Which road: reform or revolution?
The origins of scientific socialism
Resolution on the Characterisation of the Working Class
SWP: what kind of programme?
Jeremy Dewar on the dilemma facing the Socialist Workers Party The massive vote for Labour was a vote for real…
Che Guevara’s legacy
Originally published in Trotskyist International, no. 22, July-December 1997 Mark Abram reviews Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life, by Jon Lee…
Marxism versus postmodernism
By Colin Lloyd “The last few years have been marked by an inverted millenarianism in which premonitions of the future,…
Nationalism, Nation States and National Liberation
Socialism and Black Liberation
Racism – what it is and how to fight it! Published in 1995 by Workers Power, it examines the history…
The Politics of the SWP: A Trotskyist Critique [2nd Edition]
Independent Panther UK: Black separatism is not the answer
“Free at last, free at last!” proclaims the front page of Panther under the headline “A declaration of independence”. The…
Theses on the United Front
Marxism and the national question
France May ’68: “Everything was possible”
By Emile Gallet GRAINY BLACK and white film of Parisian students hurling rocks at the police; crowds choking on clouds…
Review: revolutionary capitalists?
30 Theses in Defence of Trotskyism
Theses on the Early Stages of Party Building
'Tyrants, believe and tremble' – the Chartist movement in Britain
The example of Chartism proves there is a revolutionary tradition in the British working class writes Stuart King ‘The era…
Stop the War Against Iraq!
Marxism and Women’s Liberation
Fighting to Win: A guide to revolutionary politics and direct action for students
Theses on Electoral Tactics
Gramsci and the revolutionary tradition
Theses on the Anti-Imperialist United Front
Communists and nuclear power
All out with the miners!
Women must back the strike!
THE COMING struggle in the mines is likely to be a long and bitter one. It will involve not only…
Red Pulse: Action Programme for Health Workers
Permanent Revolution issue 1
Download the PDF version here. Permanent Revolution issue 1, Summer 1983 The world economy in crisis Britain: The Thatcher solution…
Theses on Reformism
The Death Agony of the Fourth International
Download the PDF version here. The Death Agony of the Fourth International and the tasks of Trotskyists Today, 1983 Introduction…