Bombardier jobs massacre – unions must resist!
Over 1,400 jobs are being cut at train manufacturer Bombardier, but Unite is failing to organise resistance, writes M J…
Murdoch Empire phone hacking scandal exposes corruption at the heart of the system
The News of the World, flagship paper for the Murdoch Empire, is up to its neck in corruption and…
This NHS U-turn was a fake
Andrew Lansley’s privatisation remains on track, hidden by a public relations smokescreen, argues Jacqueline Davis at Comment is Free
Police violence against working people exposed
Last year, returning from a football match, student Tommy Meyers was savaged by a police dog while being arrested for…
The Demise of the Public University
There was a time when the neoliberal campus was just a coveted aspiration of the political right. Now students and…
The battle to save pensions is on!
Around 750,000 public sector workers took strike action on 30 June in a brilliant display of working class resistance to…
Pensions fury has its hour: report from central London actions
Yesterday an estimated 30, 000 teachers, lecturers and civil servants marched through London to show their opposition to the proposed…
On strike in Lambeth: solidarity forever!
By a striking Unison Teaching Assistant 8.00am The NUT rep and I mounted a picket at our school – much…
30 June: It's right to strike!
Next step – general strike to bring down the Tories By Richard Brenner THE TORIES have tried to threaten the…
Editorial: Stop the cuts – save the planet
IN PREVIOUS editorials we have argued for a strategy to beat the cuts, centring on the need to win the…
Our battle plan to beat the Tories
THE TORIES are preparing for a wave of strike action – they are starting to reveal key elements of their plan…
What would a rank and file movement look like today?
Union activists often come up against their own leaders even before they can take on the bosses. Marxists advocate a…
Greek debt crisis leaves Europe on the brink of financial collapse
With Greece on the verge of default the crisis is set to deepen, writes Simon Hardy and Richard Brenner. The…
Greece on the verge of revolution – but can the workers win?
Greece is in a prolonged pre-revolutionary crisis. Dave Stockton points to how it can be resolved The Greek state is…
The Revolutionary Party
New movements, like this mass assembly in Syntagma Square, Greece, have transformed the political landscape
1848 When revolution swept Europe
The French Revolution of 1848 By Simon Hardy The year 2011 is a year of revolution….
Sri Lanka massacre exposed
A recent TV documentary has exposed the massacre of Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan army during the last days…
Lowkey – rap and revolution
Rapper Lowkey is hugely popular for his radical political message and activism. He is profiled by Matt Chew “They don’t…
Loyalist pogroms return to Northern Ireland
Darren Cogavin reports on the recent violence in Northern Ireland as Loyalist gangs cause havoc in Catholic areas FIFTEEN YEARS…
Civil war in Yemen: towards reaction or revolution?
The conflict in Yemen is growing, writes Chris Newcombe, as the fate of the country is decided by the masses…
Resistance to regime grows in Syria
The Syrian uprising continues despite the murderous violence from the Assad regime, writes Marcus Halaby THE UPRISING that began in…
Stop Gove's plans to turn primary schools into academies
Education Secretary, Michael Gove, has announced he will turn 200 “worst-achieving” primary schools into academies next year, writes Rachel Brooks,…
The fight is on! Mass strikes planned for 30 June
Around 750,000 workers will be taking strike action on 30 June. Whilst the media and government go crazy with anger…
Another general strike hits Greece – but is it enough to win?
Mass anger has again hit the streets of Athens in a general strike against the austerity measures killing the country….
Profit fuels rural bus cuts
Local busses: “Out of service” John Bowden reports for Oxford Save Our Services on the murky…
Robert Fisk: I saw these brave doctors trying to save lives – these charges are a pack of lies
Bahrain didn’t invite the Saudis to send their troops; the Saudis invaded and received a post-dated invitation. A brilliant expose…
Strike to save NHS
General strike can bring down Tories First step is All Out on 30 June Build cross-union anti-cuts committees Act with…
Open letter: Grave concerns over NCAFC 5 June conference
From We have grave concerns about the recent Ncafc conference – both how it was organised and the outcome…
NCAFC ‘reinvigoration meeting’: why we didn’t stand for the committee
Statement by REVOLUTION Many student activists will be wondering why we did not stand for, or vote, in the elections…
Chair of Birkbeck Union hammers A.C Grayling's new private university for rich kids
A new private university, New College of Humanities, is set to offer degrees with big name intellectuals for the outrageous…