Imperialist hypocrisy over Libya
Rank and file electricians take action against rate cuts
On the buses – fightback at Sovereign
A FIGHTBACK is brewing at the London Sovereign bus company, writes Joy Macready. The workers have rejected a 5.2 per cent…
More political persecution of student activists
Dan Edmonds reports on the latest round of students going through the courts after the protests AS THE courts prepare…
Economic crisis – what’s next?
The world economy has so far failed to emerge from the crisis with any degree of health, Richard Brenner looks…
Militant action can reverse Con-Dem education reforms
A year after students took to the streets, the fight for the future of education in Britain continues. As young…
France: after the battles of autumn 2010, which way forward?
France has been gripped by mass strikes and demonstrations many times over the last decade, Marc Lassalle examines the reason…
Revocamp 2011 success
Alex Kelby reports from this year’s REVOLUTION Summer Camp FROM THE 8 – 12 August 2011 REVOLUTION held its international summer…
The week the youth fought back
Marcus Halaby recounts how the London and UK riots of August 2011 unfolded A spontaneous uprising against police racism and…
In rape cases, who is on trial?
The acquittal of Dominique Strauss Kahn and the public character assassination of his victim reveal a lot about societies attitudes…
British justice – class justice
Class justice: ‘Lock ’em up and throw away the key’
Jeremy Dewar looks at some of the most shocking riot-related sentences to date. Others will surely follow, as the crown…
Who are the real thieves?
The Nasty Party
Jeremy Dewar argues that the Conservative Party has completely reverted to type after the riots The Tories have long sought…
Stop the Dale Farm eviction!
The community of Irish travellers at Dale Farm in Basildon, Essex, have been living on the green field site for…
Twenty years since the death of the USSR
Dave Stockton looks back at the aborted coup in the USSR and the counter-coup by Boris Yeltsin THE COLLAPSE of…
General strike: Chilean workers and students unite
Massive student protests and strikes have rocked Chile as people fight back against education cuts by the unpopular right wing…
Interview with Ken Loach: “No wonder people are angry”
The British Film Industry is showing a retrospective of Ken Loach’s work during September and October. Here, we reprint a…
Why state bans boomerang on us
WHY SHOULD revolutionaries be opposed to calling on the capitalist state to ban fascist marches? Not because we defend the democratic…
Capitalism and celebrity
In today’s society, no status supersedes that of ‘celebrity’. But is that really the case? Joana Ramiro looks at the…
Din Wong (1948–2011)
Fascist EDL must be stopped
The EDL presence in Tower Hamlet on 3 September needs to confronted with a mass community mobilisation, writes Dan Edmonds…
Editorial: Autumn of struggle
THIS SUMMER has been a truly momentous one. The riots that swept the country caused huge soul searching by liberal England and…
2011 British political perspectives
Political perspectives passed by the 2011 Workers Power conference in June Political situation At last year’s conference we were in…
Report of the fantastic ‘Rank & File’ construction workers' meeting
Report from the construction workers rank and file conference discussing the growing disputes in the trade Some names have been…
Chile: student movement grows from kiss-in towards general strike
A mass movement of school and university students has Chile’s right wing president Sebastián Piñera on the ropes. Jeremy Dewar…
Israeli protest movement plans million-person march in September – but will it challenge the occupation?
Since mid-July “tent city” protests and weekly demonstrations have been shaking the state of Israel, writes Mark Booth. On the…
With the working class youth of London – against the police
Statement by Workers Power – 8 August For the third night running, working class youth are on the streets of…
Southampton council strike: a heroic struggle misled
The rolling strike by 2,400 Southampton council workers is now entering its 11th week. But despite Unite and Unison workers’…
Tottenham ablaze: The anger is back
As images of buildings and cars set ablaze spread through the media, Joana Ramiro reports on the harsh reality of…