Pensions: left leaders in retreat — only the organised rank and file can restart the fight
By Mark Booth AFTER A TURBULENT week of union executive meetings, 300 militants packed into Friends Meeting House for an…
New report in ‘cuts cause poverty’ shock
Have you noticed that the Con-Dems’ have stopped insisting ‘we’re all this together’? A new report showing child poverty rates…
Cameron referendum conditions anger Scotland
David Cameron has stirred up a hornets nest of indignation in Scotland by announcing that he intends to force the…
Draft motion to PCS Left Unity conference opposing the sell out
Below is the resolution, adopted a a meeting of trade unionists in Lambeth on 3 January, calling for escalation of…
Pensions conference: left leaders timid in face of right wing betrayal
PCS Left Unity, the leading faction in the civil service union, opened its doors to activists from all unions to…
Stephen Lawrence: racism, lies and reluctant justice
Stephen Lawrence: racism, lies and reluctant justice
After nearly 20 years two murderers have been convicted of a racist killing. But why did justice take so long,…
Occupy and the Tasks of Socialists
An excellent article at the blog, Louis Proyect: the Unrepentant Marxist, looks at the relationship between organised socialists and the…
Stop the pensions sell out!
A nightmare before Christmas – Jeremy Dewar reports on the disgraceful attempt by the TUC and big union leaders to…
Pension dispute – organise against a sell out
The leaders of some of the trade unions are threatening a sell out of the pensions dispute. Although 3 million…
Rape and the Occupy Movement
The rapes reported at some Occupy# camps have barely been discussed by the movement. But they pose major questions around…
Britain is ruled by the banks, for the banks
Is David Cameron’s kid-glove treatment of the City remotely justified, when it neither pays its way nor lends effectively, asks Aditya…
The Eurozone fiscal-union deal must be stopped!
The fiscal union in Europe is potentially a turning point which would see years of austerity and poverty across Europe…
Labour Party membership: at just £15 it’s an affordable special gift for your loved ones this Xmas. It’s just a shame that it keeps kicking you in the teeth.
It’s no joke. The Labour leadership have got a smart, new fangled idea to boost their flagging recruitment figures at…
Editorial: N30 shows that the fight is on
THE MASS strike on N30 has the potential to change the political situation in Britain. It shows that if you want mass…
German capitalists push for fiscal powers as second credit crunch looms
None of the problems from 2008 have gone away; in fact many have become worse, argues Richard Brenner. What are the European…
Now we can stop the pensions robbery
Two million strong strike shows unions have power to bring down the government – but, argues Jeremy Dewar, only if…
Motormouth's sinister joke
ON THE evening of the public sector strike Jeremy Clarkson, presenter from BBCs Top Gear programme said he wanted to see…
No to sanctions – hands off Iran!
The growing social crisis in Britain
The government’s policies are making things much worse, writes John Bowman, particularly for the most vulnerable George Osbourne’s Autumn Statement…
Is European social democracy in irreversible decline?
Sparks: We must not let judges stop our actions
We can’t let the courts or the bureaucrats stop our actions, argues Jeremy Dewar ELECTRICIANS IN Unite won an 82 per…
What’s wrong with the union lefts today?
Simon Hardy and Jeremy Dewar take a critical look at the broad left strategy Many militant trade unionists are active…
Capitalism against democracy
Not since 1989 has the demand for democracy been so loud across the world. But everywhere police and governments are…
Radicalising the US workers’ movement
Extract from Workers Power US conference document Beginning in late September with only a few dozen activists in New…
Syria – the dangers posed by foreign intervention
The future of Syria is being fought out town by town as the resistance grows against Assad’s regime. Marcus Halaby…
Egypt: The threat of counter-revolution grows as Islamists make gains
The magnificent Egyptian revolution is in danger of defeat, warns Dave Stockton NOVEMBER HAS proved to be another crucial month for…
Disability welfare cuts – the hardest hit are fighting back
Joy Macready reports on the cuts to disability welfare and the growing resistance “THE PAST 12 months have seen a string…
EDL join forces with BNP splitters
The British Freedom Party and the English Defence League has announced a merger reports Dan Edwards THE FASCIST English Defence League…
Undead capitalism
Zombies are big business, with more games and films coming out every year cashing in on the idea of the…