The NHS needs action not words
By Carla Turner Approaching a year since the Health and Social Care bill passed through Parliament, Carla Turner looks…
Jerry Hicks: ‘Let’s transform Britain’s largest union’
In an election that could rock the labour movement, rank and file candidate Jerry Hicks writes for Workers Power …
Marxism and Feminism
Revolutionary communists start from the view that working class women are the central agency in the struggle against their own…
SWP: the struggle must go on
This article was published shortly before the announcement of resignations after conference. Nevertheless the article addresses issues relevant for all…
The Spirit Level requires a revolutionary toolkit
Richard Wilkinson, coauthor of the book The Spirit Level gave a half hour slide presentation about the corrosive effects…
The Death Agony of the Fourth International
Leeds Against the Cuts: lessons in united action
On 16 February Leeds had its second Anti-Cuts Convention, a successful event that serves as a modest demonstration of the…
Against Capitalism: Networks or a Party?
The great recession has tested working class parties to the limit. Almost every social democratic and labour party has repositioned…
Elect Jerry Hicks – build a rank and file movement in Unite
Jerry Hicks has got 136 nominations for his candidature in the Unite General Secretary election – an unprecedented number for…
Revolutionary unity – a proposal
To choose the present moment to propose that the revolutionary left in Britain should unite its forces to build a…
Second Leeds Anti-Cuts Convention – a step forward
Ninety activists packed into the 16 February Second Leeds Anti-Cuts Convention, called by Leeds Against the Cuts. The gathering was…
BBC staff strike against job cuts
The BBC was hit by strike action yesterday as NUJ members across the country staged a 24-hour walkout in their…
Ireland: United Left Alliance disintegrates
The Socialist Party of Ireland has announced its withdrawal from the United Left Alliance (ULA). The Workers and Unemployed Action…
Mid Yorks Hospital strike: what's at stake?
Admin and clerical workers at Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust recently staged five days of strike action against attempts to cut…
The great pensions rip-off
The government’s latest changes to workers’ pensions will mean most people will be worst off. It is another attack on…
Socialist Party backs McCluskey, candidate of the Unite bureaucracy
RANK AND FILE candidate Jerry Hicks has now secured 84 validated branch nominations – with several days still to go…
The Leninist Party and Democratic Centralism
Here we republish an article from 1998 which sets out our own understanding of the role of democracy, leadership and…
Halifax march against cuts: report
On Sat 2nd Feb 250 people marched through Halifax town centre demanding an end to the cuts. Local residents are facing…
SWP line in Unite the Resistance: carry on regardless
Jeremy Dewar, Unison shop steward and elected member of Unite the Resistance steering committee, asks what effect the internal crisis…
Democratic centralism in the International Socialist tradition
We have covered the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) Central Committee’s mishandling of the dispute concerning a rape allegation. But what…
Mali: French boots on the ground – fire fighters or arsonists?
“France represents only humanitarian interests,” insists French president François Hollande. It is a solely a case of the war on…
Editorial: let's learn the lessons of 2012 | #369 February 2013
Read issue 369 here THE COALITION government is determined to start 2013 as it means to go on: by making…
Marxism and the Wages Struggle
Marcus Halaby and Jeremy Dewar take apart the bosses’ argument that keeping wages down helps preserve jobs. The pressure is mounting on…
Why can’ t rape victims get justice?
The vicious beating and gang-rape of a 23-year-old student in New Delhi, who died in hospital two weeks later, sparked…
The Arab Spring two years on
Marcus Halaby analyses the great – and as yet uncompleted – Arab revolutions of 2011, debunking a number of myths…
Teachers call for strike action – Gove’s attacks must be stopped
By Bernie McAdam, Sandwell NUT The National Union of Teachers (NUT) is gearing up for a national strike…
Socialist Workers Party: Rape, sexist behaviour and the working class movement
The following is a shortened version of an online statement (see) The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is presently undergoing its…
Organise self-defence against loyalist flag riots
The task of the day is to organise citizens’ defence committees to defend the Short Strand and Catholic communities, says…
Why I'm standing – an interview with Jerry Hicks
This is the transcript of an interview conducted by Workers Power with Jerry Hicks. Credit where credit’s due, McCluskey’s speech,…
PCS ballots civil servants on pay, pensions and working conditions
By Rebecca On 16 January the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) NEC decided to ballot a quarter of a million…