Can Rojava Kurds unite with Syrian revolutionaries?
By Marcus Halaby The liberated zones of the Syrian Kurds in Rojava have inspired debate and praise, but now hundreds…
FBI’s Most Wanted: Assata An Autobiography
Defy the anti-union laws
Union leaders complain that their hands are tied by the anti-union laws, but where is the campaign to abolish them?…
Organise the rank and file
Over the past year or two the failure of the union leaders – left as well as right – to…
We need a new leadership to beat austerity
By Jeremy Dewar As union leaders prepare to wind down strikes and settle for a pro-austerity Labour government, workers need…
Kiev losing a war on two fronts
By KD Tait On 5 September, six months of fighting between the ultra-nationalist regime in Kiev and the militias of…
Workers Power No.379 October 2014
The October 2014 issue of Workers Power is out now. Click here to…
No to war in Syria and Iraq
By Marcus Halaby US President Barack Obama took office in 2009 promising to end the US occupation of Iraq. Today…
Scotland and the nationalist left
Most of the far left forces in Scotland supported independence. KD Tait looks at how they have followed this…
For a UK-wide struggle for democratic rights and socialism
The positive enthusiasm of millions in the Scottish referendum and the massive rejection of austerity and privatisation have opened up…
Scots rock the UK – but vote to stay
By Dave Stockton Despite the rejection of independence, the shock to the system caused by the final weeks of the…
Scottish referendum: shock upset as polls show independence is possible
By Andy Yorke The Scots have an inalienable democratic right to separate from the UK if they wish. If they…
Ukraine: a critique of the Yalta Manifesto
The anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine is debating what its goals and methods should be. Dave Stockton offers a critique of…
Racist Cop Murders spark resistance
By Jeff Albertson, Workers Power USA The execution of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson…
Theses on the Arab Spring
Six counties: Britain's sectarian and racist colony
The recent surge in racist attacks in the six counties of ‘Northern Ireland’ is a shocking indictment of the British…
Overturn the Hobby Lobby ruling! For the right to birth control of your choice!
By Joy Macready The highest court in the US has dealt a serious blow against women’s rights and our right…
4 August 1914: the betrayal of the Second International
By Dave Stockton THE SECOND International, founded in 1889, was an organisation of the world’s socialist, social democratic and labour…
Rise up for Gaza – for a Third Intifada
More than 870 Palestinians have been killed since Israel began its wholesale bombing of Gaza on 8 July. 80 per…
Flight MH17: Kiev seizes tragedy as pretext for further massacres in East Ukraine
The family and friends of the 298 passengers and crew who lost their lives when Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crashed…
Defend Gaza – stop Israel's offensive
As we publish this article, the death toll amongst the population of Gaza has passed the 100 mark and Israel…
10 July strike: one day is not enough
By Dave Stockton More than one million workers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland struck on Thursday 10 July against the government…
Civil war and class war in Ukraine
By KD Tait In Ukraine, ‘war is peace’. The government air force marked the end of one “ceasefire” and the…
Strike together to smash the pay freeze
Millions of us have suffered a huge drop in our living standards as the bankers, bosses and Tories have made…
ISIS advance heralds redivision of imperialist order
By Dave Stockton and Marcus Halaby The world was astonished on 10 June, when just a thousand or so fighters…
Tories deploy 'British values' against Muslims
By Bernie McAdam After their humiliation in the EU elections at the hands of UKIP the Tories had to do something…
30th anniversary: the Battle of Orgreave
Thirty years ago in the Yorkshire coalfield, thousands of striking miners and their supporters faced an army of riot police…
Racist and sexual abuse widespread at Yarl’s Wood
Joy Macready reports on the scandal at the heart of Britain’s privatised immigration system and yet another tale of abuse…
Interview: why voting for Scottish independence is not a way forward
Sandy McBurney, Glasgow South Left Unity member, talks to Workers Power about why he is against voting for Scottish independence…
The social cost of the World Cup’s fun and games
It is estimated that over 3 billion people will watch at least some of the World Cup live on TV…