The changing face of Irish politics
The Irish general election result has delivered a huge blow to the outgoing Fine Gael-Labour coalition government. Although Fine…
Left nationalists see Brexit as road to Indy 2
THE nationalist left outside the SNP are campaigning for another independence referendum as soon as possible, but the SNP has…
What are the prospects for Scottish Labour?
By Sandy McBurney ALL commentators are agreed that the governing party, the Scottish National Party (SNP), is going to win…
What’s at stake in the EU referendum?
DAVID CAMERON returned from the European Summit in Brussels in February with a deal he claimed would ensure Britain’s continued…
The NHS emergency
It’s time Labour showed leadership and solidarity We have the chance to save our NHS and inflict a serious defeat…
Editorial March 2016
March will see an intensification of the political storms which have been brewing since January. With the Tories fighting like…
EU referendum – The Workers’ Answer
No to racism & xenophobia Defend workers’ rights Vote to ‘Remain in the EU’ ‘National independence’ is a retreat from…
Marxism and… Cooperatives
The concept of cooperatives as an alternative to both private and state ownership has resurfaced courtesy of a recent speech…
Snap Election in Ireland: no compromise with Sinn Fein
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has called a General Election for February 26. This will be the shortest election campaign in the…
John McDonnell’s ‘workers cooperatives’ – profit or bust
By Dave Stockton John McDonnell’s speech at the Cooperative Ways Forward Conference in Manchester on 21 January opened his campaign…
Focus Can Help Momentum Succeed
By KD Tait SINCE Jeremy Corbyn’s landslide election as leader of the Labour Party, the grassroots network Momentum has formed…
South London campaigners step up housing fight
Saturday saw more than one thousand council tenants and activists march against the Housing Bill and the demolition of the…
Briefing: EU referendum
THE referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union, EU, is now likely to take place no later than the…
Catalonia independence referendum a headache for right and left
When Spain adopted its post-Franco constitution there was a fierce battle over the character of the state. The Right insisted…
Spain: deadlock after elections is a chance for new thinking
With new elections likely, workers’ mobilisations could shift the balance of forces THE Spanish general election of December 20 created…
South Africa miners’ struggles could end ANC’s austerity
By Jeremy Dewar South Africa, one of the world’s major emerging markets, is about to tip into recession. Its currency…
Cologne attacks spark racist backlash
We need to challenge the social causes of sexist and racist attitudes inflamed by the refugee crisis ON New Year’s…
Saudi Arabia, US ally with problems
By Marcus Halaby For all David Cameron’s boasting that he has 70,000 “moderate” Syrian oppositionists ready to act as boots…
USA prepares to double-cross its “moderate” allies
LIKE Putin’s strategy in Syria, Britain’s and the USA’s also involves double-crossing old allies and co-opting new ones. The case…
Putin’s strange bedfellows
BY crushing the Syrian revolutionaries and leaving only Assad and ISIS standing, Putin hopes to force the West to accept…
War and Peace in Syria
By Marcus Halaby A COMMON view in the anti-war movement is that the current war in Syria is effectively a…
London Mayor campaign is chance to build fighting local Labour
By KD Tait Labour MP Sadiq Khan has secured a six point lead over Tory rival Zac Goldsmith in the…
Wage a genuine fight against sexism
By Joy Macready Labour Right’s “misogyny” accusations against Corbyn are a study in hypocrisy THE Labour party’s National Executive Committee…
Motion: Labour councils should oppose local government cuts
Local government cuts: 5 key facts
£11.3 billion will be cut from total central government grants to councils by 2016 From 2010-2015 council budgets were cut…
Letter from Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Jon Trickett to Labour council leaders
Key extracts from the 17 December letter from Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Jon Trickett to Labour council leaders To…
How can Labour activists defend local services?
A local government worker responds to Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell’s recent letter setting out their policy in relation to…
Defying the press onslaught
There has been no let up in the coordinated smear operation against Corbyn “First they ignore you, then they laugh…
The Tories are bankrupting our NHS
By Bernie McAdam The NHS is heading for annual deficits of £2 billion, with regulators calling it the worst crisis…
United we stand?
The commitment of our union leaders to the new politics is under scrutiny WITH the election of Jeremy Corbyn we…