Sudan: Counter-revolution strikes back, supported by the Egyptian and Saudi dictatorships
An indefinite general strike and international solidarity can beat the dictatorship
Tiananmen Square 30 years on
How the crushing of the democracy movement paved the way for the restoration of capitalism
ANC retains power – but left makes big gains
By Jeremy Dewar In the end it was a comfortable victory for Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC and their allies, the trade…
Brexit is a hostile environment for Labour
Constructive ambiguity has failed. Labour must break with Brexit and advance a genuinely internationalist programme
Donald Trump: The great destabiliser
By Dave Stockton The US President’s State visit comes at a time when Britain’s version of him – Nigel Farage…
Permanent Revolution and Irish Liberation
The Bolshevik Revolution inspired the Irish working class to renew their struggle with British imperialism
EU elections show time for Brexit compromise is over
Labour members should fight for a special conference to win the party to an unequivocal policy of defeating Brexit and…
PCS Conference: New pay ballot requires rank and file organisation to win
We can halt the union’s decline by fighting for members’ control of disputes and strategy
Royal Mail bins union agreement
As the union prepares for a new battle, activists need to develop the members’ control of the dispute needed to…
British Steel: Nationalisation under workers’ control
The labour movement needs to act quickly to prevent asset stripping, block the closure, and secure public ownership.
Despite Tommy Robinson’s defeat, the far right remains a threat
Only a genuine united front against fascism that penetrates every street and every workplace can successfully halt the rise of…
Nigel Farage and the threat of racist populism
Right wing populism can only be defeated by strengthening the independent working class movement
SOAS students protest racist lecturer
The student campaign raises the issue of students and workers’ control over hiring and firing
Local elections Labour stagnates and Tories slump
Labour needs to fight on a programme of restoring public services and local democracy
The Limerick Soviet: Another revolution was possible
When working class people defeated an empire
BEIS cleaners strike for the living wage
PCS strike is part of a growing movement by low paid workers fighting for a living wage
EU elections: why Anti-Brexit Socialists should still vote Labour
Despite the confusion caused by Labour’s fudged Brexit position, internationalist Labour voters should not abandon the party for the Greens…
‘No to Nationalism’ rallies in Germany and Austria before EU vote
Tens of thousands of people have mobilised in cities across Germany and Austria in opposition to the “surge” in right-wing…
Extinction Rebellion paralyses London
Extinction Rebellion (XR) captured the headlines of the mainstream media and the imagination of millions this Easter, as its activists…
A Mass People’s Revolution in Sudan
Sudan is in the midst of a truly amazing people’s revolution, in which women are playing a major role, alongside…
Long live May Day! Defend internationalism!
May Day has always been a focus for workers around the world and this year it is a contrasting picture…
Algerian President Toppled, but Military Regime Remains
On 2 April, six weeks of mass demonstrations, culminating in a general strike, finally forced the resignation of Algeria’s 82…
100 years of the Chinese revolution
On 4 May 1919, in Beijing, some 3,000 students demonstrated outside the home of the Minister of Communications. After pelting…
Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism
By Jeremy Dewar Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon is the latest Labour MP to be targeted by the Jewish Chronicle…
Review: Glasgow 1919
One hundred years ago, tanks rumbled on the streets of Glasgow, howitzers were positioned at strategic points of the city,…
What is Jeremy Corbyn Playing at?
The reason for Corbyn and Abbott’s support for wanting to leave the EU is, however, more than a vote-catching calculus…
Israel: Netanyahu’s victory paves the way for annexation
Every dimension of this election revealed how the rightward, violently chauvinist political realignment in Israeli politics over the last decade…
Spain heads to the polls
Spain heads to the polls on 28th April in a snap election which has exposed the political bankruptcy of all…
The Working Class supports free movement, Labour must too
FBU Executive Council Member Paul Embery claims the working class oppose freedom of movement in the EU. But polling shows…
Ni Una Menos: origins, development and perspective of a mass women’s movement
The Latin American movement against misogynist violence ihas brought millions of women into the streets.