How can postal workers break the deadlock?
We must escalate to all out.
The Public Order Bill is an attack on the right to protest
The Bill has passed the House of Commons.
Resist Jeremy Hunt’s class war budget
Living standards will fall by 7% in the next two years.
How can this winter of discontent end in victory?
Editorial December-January 2022/23, No. 399
All out to save the NHS
The government has picked a fight with nurses to hold public sector pay down and continue NHS privatisation.
Suspended CWU rep speaks out: the union must fight for our reinstatement
Royal Mail has suspended at least 100 CWU reps.
RCN strike: how can the nurses win?
By KD Tait Download our strike bulletin THE ROYAL College of Nursing (RCN) is taking strike action on 15 and…
Victory to the nurses – defend the NHS
Health bulletin for 14 December 2022
CWU: All out on 9 December
Royal Mail bulletin for 9 December 2022
CWU: All out on 9 December!
By a CWU Rep Download the latest strike bulletin here TENS OF thousands of postal workers will mass the picketlines…
Universities bulletin: Democratic control and escalation
Universities bulletin for 30 November 2022
Postal strike at the crossroads — fight for workers’ control
Drip-feeding strikes hasn’t shaken the bosses. It’s time to organise for escalated action and against a compromise.
The bankers’ budget: robbing the poor to pay the rich
Hunt’s budget constitutes the organised impoverishment of millions in order to protect the profits of business, banks and speculators.
As Tory divisions grow, workers’ action can win
Political bulletin for 2 November 2022
Fight for a workers’ government
Editorial November 2022, No. 398
As Tories fall apart, workers’ action can finish them off
By KD Tait SIX SHORT weeks was all Tory MPs needed to put an end to the Truss experiment. This…
Postal bosses go nuclear — union must respond in kind
CWU leaders have called off strikes after bosses threatened them with court action
Leftwing candidate excluded in Labour HQ stitch-up
Members should boycott this fraudulent selection.
New anti-union laws tighten the noose
What is the TUC going to do about it?
Yellow Unison goes running to education bosses
By a Unison activist THE NATIONAL Education Union has won an impressive mandate to call an official strike ballot for…
Childcare in crisis: mothers’ march demands better
By Millie Collins MORE THAN 12,000 people took to the streets across 11 major cities on 29 October to protest…
Latest UN climate reports show need for socialist solutions
Official reports chart the complete failure of attempts to solve the climate crisis and serve as a reminder of the…
Trouble at the top: the social roots of the Tory crisis
The deep divisions in the Conservative party have their roots in the decline of British capitalism.
CWU dispute: Postal bosses go nuclear
Royal Mail bulletin for 1 November 2022
French workers on the march
The cost of living crisis is prompting the biggest strikes in years. But trade union leaders are holding back a…
China: Xi locks down the party
Who is Xi scared of?
Iran: workers join protests
By Dave Stockton PROTESTS FOLLOWING the murder of 22 year-old Jina Mahsa Amini have developed into the most serious challenge…
Hands off Haiti!
Haitians don’t want or need another armed intervention
US midterms show need for independent workers’ party
The Red Wave failed to materialise, boosting Donald Trump’s candidacy for 2024
After Truss—now for the rest!
Now is the time to press our advantage. The unions must sound the advance across every front of struggle.