Local government: vote yes and organise to strike!
For a rank and file movement in the CWU
Pakistan: Heading for a constitutional crisis?
Dirty money, dirty water
Bureaucrats behaving badly
With dodgy deals looming, the rank and file must organise to seize control of the unions
The G7 Summit reveals problems for the West
Starmer’s ‘five missions’ offer little to the working class
Turkey after Erdogan’s triumph
Resist the Tories’ assault on our democratic rights!
14-19 August: Internationalism camp 2023
To change the world, we must first understand it! That’s why we’re organising our Internationalism summer camp again this year….
CWU opposition forces u-turn on ballot
Bulletin: Build the NO vote campaign
Royal Mail: Build the No Vote campaign
Protest strikes won’t win a real pay rise
Royal Blackmail: don’t give in to company threats
Defy anti-union laws and fight for real pay rise
International workers day 2023: for international socialism!
Inflation rip-off destroys workers incomes while rich profit
THE LATEST inflation figure of 10.1% surprised many economists. It won’t have surprised many workers —except that it wasn’t higher….
Nurses: defy strike ban and organise for a real pay rise!
Civil service unions: escalate now or never
By Rebecca Anderson UNLIKE OTHER public sector workers, the government’s 2022/23 pay offer to civil servants has not been improved…
The trade union rank and file today
By Jeremy Dewar STRIKES—ESPECIALLY a prolonged strike wave like the present—draw huge number of trade union members into activity, and…
Nurses: what now after the ‘No’ vote?
AS WE go to press NHS managers and Health Minster Steve Barclay are dragging the largest NHS union, the Royal…
Teachers: protest strikes won’t win real pay rise
The dual character of the Ukraine war
Thieves fall out in Khartoum
Good Friday at 25: celebrations can’t mask failures
Organise a “vote no” campaign against the Royal Mail deal
WHEN THE CWU postal union finally released the text of its deal with Royal Mail after months of negotiations, it…
Climate change report shows reckless lack of action
By Alex Rutherford and Rose Tedeschi THE RECENT Climate Change Committee (CCC) report to Parliament, demonstrates the UK’s abject failure…