Post Office workers have voted a thumping 93% in favour of striking over the lack of a pay rise. The high vote and good turnout (66%) by the 4,000 Communication Workers Union (CWU) members in Crown Post Offices shows the widespread anger with two years of a pay freeze. With growing inflation this is in […]
University lecturers are preparing to strike against a massive attack on their pensions. Across the public sector, the Con-Dem government are tearing up existing pension agreements (see article on Hutton Report). But so far it’s only the lecturers who have balloted for action. Over 60% voted to strike, with just over 50% also voting to […]
The Bill in question is Andrew Lansley’s Health and Social Care Bill, which will open up 80% of the NHS budget to private GP consortia and give contracts to “any willing provider” of health services. On top of this, 50,000 jobs, including many frontline posts, will disappear this year – 635 of them at St […]
HSBC’s Karen Ward, a senior economist at the bank, said that rapidly rising food prices were occurring at a time of “very, very low wage growth”. In fact, living standards have fallen in the UK by more than 10 per cent, according to the Bank of England’s chief Mervyn King, as inflation outstrips wages. They […]
“There’s got to be a deal here between the taxpayer and the scheme member and that deal is going to unravel if the people in the public sector say they will not contemplate change,” he said. His report has two main recommendations. First, he wants to raise the retirement age to 66 by 2020. Hutton […]
Industrial overiew from Jeremy Drinkall
“We are not the same old Conservative Party. We have changed. We are a party for the mainstream majority.” This is how David Cameron lied his way into Downing Street, writes Jeremy Drinkall
The revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have sparked off a wave of protests throughout the Middle East, raising demands for democratic change and for improvements in living standards.
The UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron attacked multiculturalism in a speech in Munich recently, David Stockton looks at the racism behind the row over multiculturalism
The Daily Star recently upped its campaign of bigotry and race-hate by giving support to the fascist English Defence League (EDL), writes Dan Edwards.
The revolutions sweeping North Africa and the mass protest movements across the Middle East are a sign of the times. For too long, people in the world have been living under the boot of western imperialism and authoritarian dictatorships. Now across the globe they are beginning to rise up, writes Simon Hardy
The Pakistani ruling class is trying to force the working class to pay the price of the capitalist crisis. But over the past month a growing movement of resistance has shaken the country, writed Editor, Resistance magazine.
Workers Power believes thousands of activists will be striving to make the 26 March demonstration as big as possible in order to make it a platform for action that can defeat the government.
Government cuts to council budgets will lead to more victims of domestic violence dying at the hands of their abusers, writes Joy Macready.
For decades, Hosni Mubarak justified his rule by claiming that democratisation would see Egypt fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, the banned Islamist opposition movement, writes Marcus Halaby
UK Prime Minister David Cameron flew into Cairo after Hosni Mubarak was forced out, saying he wanted to be the first Western politician there since the revolution. He was flanked by British arms dealers on their way to the huge Idex weapons fair in Abu Dhabi. This was the latest episode in Britain’s bloody history […]
The government has stepped up its war on the poor with planned restructuring of benefits, which will see many of the UK’s poorest worse off, writes Keith Spencer
Report from Lambeth Save Our Services Fresh from our spirited occupation of Brixton Town Hall, Lambeth Save Our Services met last night full of new activists, brimful of confidence and raring to go again. Jeremy Drinkall reports. The occupation of Lambeth Town Hall on 23 February hit the front page of the South London Press […]
Public meeting to celebrate 100 years of International Women’s Day with international and national speakers on women’s struggles.. Thursday 10 March at 7pm. University College London, Chadwick GO7, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT Born at a time of great social turbulence and crisis, when the imperialist nations were gearing up for world war, […]
The TUC, has obtained figures from 185 hospitals, 126 primary care, 23 ambulance and 54 mental health trusts showing 53,150 NHS job cuts in the next four years, writes Mark Booth.
Women bear the brunt of the Tory cuts with job losses in the public sector and attacks on health and social care services for children and families. Joy Macready examines the attacks and also looks at how to fight back
Tens of thousands of young people, students, teachers, and public-sector workers are rallying in Madison, Wisconsin and occupying the State Capitol in opposition to proposed sweeping anti-union legislation. From the website of Revolution Socialist youth USA –
Muammar Abu al-Gadaffi, Libya’s brutal dictator, has used his armed forces to slaughter pro-democracy protesters, a vicious act unseen in Tunisia or Egypt writes Simon Hardy.
Local trade unionists and community campaigners occupy Lambeth town hall 23/02/2011 400 protesters demonstrated in Lambeth town hall tonight. The Labour councillors, supported by the Lib dems and Tories, wanted to vote in their package of cuts. The people of Lambeth demanded that they should be in the public gallaries. Despite filling one public gallery, […]
Today, at around 1pm, half an hour before Leeds Council were due to meet to pass a budget of swingeing cuts, hundreds braved the rain to lobby the meeting to refuse to implement the budget. Around 75-100 people managed to occupy the main council chamber, where the meeting was to be held. Many more gathered […]
Birmingham City Council has announced that £300 million will be cut from the budget over the next four years. This will involve the loss of 7,116 full time jobs, that is 37 per cent of the workforce, reports Bernie McAdam. The losses will increase to 10,000 when part time jobs are included. The Con Dem […]
A campaign of repression against the growing resistance to the cuts exposes collusion between the different arms of the state – the police, courts, intelligence agencies – even drawing in the supposedly independent media. With the aid of the right-wing papers, the police are trying to demonise students that took to the streets in the […]
Egypt is aflame with revolution. The world has watched with bated breath as millions of Egyptians have shown that they will not be intimidated and coerced any longer. A general strike has been proclaimed and on 1 February two million demonstrators packed the vast Tahrir (Liberation) Square in Cairo demanding Hosni Mubarak’s departure. His dictatorial […]
The League for the Fifth International, of which Workers Power is the British section, held a successful congress in Sri Lanka in January. Members from Germany, Austria, and Britain met with delegates from the Pakistan and Sri Lankan sections of the League to discuss the issues facing the international working class. This congress was the […]
Consistent opponents of Israel’s occupation have long argued that the “moderate” Palestinian leaders of Fatah are in reality collaborators with Israel. Nothing could have confirmed this more conclusively than the release by news agency Al Jazeera of documents exposing 10 years of futile “peace” negotiations. The picture that emerges is of weak and grovelling Palestinian […]