US cops keep killing, keep lying

By Sam Copley Following the massive uprising of youth in Baltimore, US, which forced local officials to charge police with the killing of Freddie Gray, a new upsurge of protest is now shaking Dane County, Wisconsin. On 12 May, District Attorney Ismael Ozanne declared no charges will be filed against killer cop Matt Kenny. On […]

Workers Power  ·  20 May 2015

Racism, repression and resistance in Baltimore

By Marcus Otono 4 May 2015 Just like a horrific version of the film “Groundhog Day”, police killings of African-Americans in the United States repeat themselves endlessly. The latest iteration of this macabre pattern was the brutal assault on 25 year-old Freddie Gray in Baltimore on April 12th, 2015 while in police custody. Gray died […]

Workers Power  ·  04 May 2015

Ferguson: the cops re-arm

By Peter Main November is expected to see a Grand Jury decide not to indict Darren Wilson, a white policeman, for the shooting of the unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on 9 August. To undermine the well-known eyewitness accounts that Brown had his hands in the air when shot, highly selective quotes […]

Workers Power  ·  11 November 2014

USA: low paid fight for $15

As the fight for a living wage begins to take off here in Britain, Chris Clough takes inspiration from the Fight for $15 campaign in the US Fast food workers are causing a storm at the heart of the world’s most powerful nation. A movement for a $15 an hour minimum wage has spread like […]

Workers Power  ·  10 November 2014

Racist Cop Murders spark resistance

By Jeff Albertson, Workers Power USA The execution of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson on August 9 has provoked almost two weeks of protest on the streets of Ferguson, an impoverished suburb of St Louis, Missouri. Solidarity demonstrations have erupted across the country, not just in protest at the […]

Workers Power  ·  22 August 2014

Fast Food workers supersize their strikes

The struggle for a living wage has gone national, hitting 1,000 shops in nearly 58 cities across the USA. KD Tait reports On 29 August thousands of workers walked out in the biggest wave of strikes to hit the US fast food industry. Workers are fighting for $15 an hour and the right to unionise […]

Workers Power  ·  09 October 2013

Retail workers escalate fight for fair pay in the USA

By KD Tait / Saturday 10 August, 2013 Last week retail workers’ campaign for $15 an hour and the right to unionise took another step forward with thousands joining strikes in seven cities. What began as a one-day strike by 200 fast food workers in New York last November has spread to several states and […]

Workers Power  ·  10 August 2013

Strike wave shakes up US fast food chains

  Since April, workers campaigning for better wages and the right to unionise have shut down hundreds of restaurants in one-day strikes across five cities. The low paid workers, many earning state minimums as low as $7.25 (£4.26) an hour are demanding a wage increase to $15 an hour and the right to set up […]

Workers Power  ·  21 May 2013

1934: Class war in Minneapolis

  Almost 80 years ago, the city of Minneapolis was a battlefield in the class war between workers and bosses. Three strikes in 1934 shook the city and American society to their foundations. The feature of these strikes by the Teamster Union Local 574 was that they were led by Trotskyists. Minneapolis boasted the strongest […]

Workers Power  ·  21 May 2013

Troops out of Afghanistan

Marcus Halaby reports on the endgame in Afghanistan In late August the number of American troops killed in the war in Afghanistan reached a total of 2,000. This includes those killed in Pakistan and other countries where US forces are involved. Of particular concern to the US-led occupation forces has been the sharp rise in […]

Workers Power  ·  15 October 2012

Obama's broken promises

It seems like only yesterday that America faced the question of whether Barack Obama would be the country’s first black president. In the months running up to the November 2008 election, his campaign unleashed a seemingly inexhaustible enthusiasm from millions desperate for “hope” and “change”. Four years on, those hopes have been dashed. For many, […]

Workers Power  ·  15 October 2012

Radicalising the US workers’ movement

Extract from Workers Power US conference document Beginning in late September with only a few dozen activists in New York City (NYC), the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement changed the mood dramatically. Tens of thousands demonstrated, marched, protested, and occupied public and private spaces against the bank bailouts, joblessness and worsening poverty for millions […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

15 October: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global

The global day of indignation against banks and pro-business politicians was an enormous success. A new movement has been born.

Dave Stockton  ·  19 October 2011

Troy Davis: murdered by the state of Georgia

The state of Georgia has carried out a modern day lynching,, writes Jeff Albertson

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

Israel and USA promise to veto Palestinian statehood

Whilst most of the worlds population support the Palestinian bid at the UN for statehood, the US and Israel have threatened to stop recognition at all costs. Andy Yorke explains what is at stake

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

The United States faces a crisis not seen since the Depression

The poisonous atmosphere surrounding the role of the state and taxation allows no realistic budget bargaining, writes Will Hutton at the Observer

Workers Power  ·  20 July 2011

Obama: President of war

Jamie Traska from Workers Power USA explains how Obama is starting more wars and being just as aggressive as Bush

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

Bin Laden is dead, the US war goes on

“Yes we can!” gloated Barak Obama as he announced to the world that the US has assassinatesd enemy number one, Osama Bin Laden, reports Martin Suchanek. Read it  here Dave Stockton looks at the relationship between Osama Bin Laden, his politics, and American imperialism. Read it here  

Workers Power  ·  03 May 2011

Solidarity sweeps USA as workers dare to fight

The action of workers and young people in the US has been an inspiration. A series of mass protests, occupations and strikes have shaken the states of Wisconisn, Ohio and Indiana. Battling a huge programme of spending cuts and attacks on the unions, their struggle shows what can be achieved even in historically right wing […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Free Bradley Manning

UNTRIED AND unconvicted, 24-year-old US army private Bradley Manning has been imprisoned for almost 300 days, held in cruel, inhuman and degrading conditions under a ‘prevention of injury’ order at the Quantico marine base. He is kept in his cell 23 hours a day, force fed a daily diet of antidepressant pills, forbidden to exercise in […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Obama’s trail of broken promises

Barack Obama campaigned on a ticket of ‘hope and change’ but, in office, has radically short-changed his young, Black and working class supporters. It was their huge mobilisation for his election campaign in 2008 that put America’s first black president into office and also swept the Democrats to victory in both houses of Congress. Two […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Wisconsin: Public sector workers and youth strike back!

Tens of thousands of young people, students, teachers, and public-sector workers are rallying in Madison, Wisconsin and occupying the State Capitol in opposition to proposed sweeping anti-union legislation. From the website of Revolution Socialist youth USA –

Workers Power  ·  01 March 2011

Why is there no socialism in the United States?

Why have US workers never had a party of their own?

Workers Power  ·  02 October 2008

Mass defiance to stop mass murder

George W Bush is set on war. He will not let anything get in his way. Not Iraq’s agreement to let weapons inspectors back. Not the United Nations meddlesome attempt to let diplomacy work to disarm Saddam Hussein. He will try to bully France, bribe Russia and berate China to get the UN Security Council […]

Workers Power  ·  01 October 2002

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