Conservative party

Serve the rich, screw the poor – the Tories’ vision for Britain

The Tories are pushing through some of the most dramatic cuts and reforms in living memory, John Bowman explains where they want to take Britain

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

The big Tory sell-off

“We are not the same old Conservative Party. We have changed. We are a party for the mainstream majority.” This is how David Cameron lied his way into Downing Street, writes Jeremy Drinkall

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Tories plan to wreck NHS

The Conservative whitepaper, “Equity and Excellence: liberating the NHS”, is designed to transfer control for £80 billion pounds of the NHS budget to the private health sector. It means the end of the NHS as a publicly owned and operated service, and its transformation into little more than a brand name, which health corporations will […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

We can break this government too – and we must | editorial

The revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia have inspired millions of people around the world. In Tunisia mass demonstrations routed the police of dictator Ben Ali – then a general strike drove him out of the country. Dragged into a spiral of mass unemployment, of price rises and poverty, the poor, the youth and the workers […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

Tories drive ahead with austerity plan despite faltering economy

David Cameron announced it was full steam ahead with the government spending cuts after it was announced that the economy had worsened. Why? Because the government aims to slash wages and services irrespective of the economics damage, writes Keith Spencer The UK economy contracted by 0.5 per cent in the last quarter of 2010, it […]

Workers Power  ·  20 January 2011

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