Britain  •  Labour Party and electoral politics

Right wing MPs fear ‘bloodbath’

26 January 2016

PLP A clique of right wing MPs have revealed their fears that they could be victims of a “bloodbath” when local parties select MPs, following changes to constituency boundaries. Some of these MPs seem to feel that having voted to add Britain’s contribution to the bloodbath in Syria could leave them on the wrong side of a clearly anti-war party membership.

It is clear that some MPs have got used to a party run by an apparatus which parachuted in MPs, ensuring a job for life for many, with the icing of a peerage when they got pensioned off into the House of Lords at the end of their career. Red Flag doesn’t understand why any Labour MP should have anything to “fear” from participating in Labour’s democratic discussion and decision making policy. This newspaper is certain that all MPs will warmly welcome the right of party members to choose the candidate for MP that they feel best represents them and Labour.

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