Labour Party Democracy Review – where to begin?
LABOUR’S DEMOCRACY review, led by Katy Clark, is an important opportunity for members to demand the opening up of the party to greater, meaningful participation from below.
We list here some of our recommendations for the review. We have included the call for mandatory re-selection of MPs, even though the review does not explicitly refer to the issue, because of its central importance.
- Real autonomous women’s and black sections
- A fully funded, autonomous Young Labour group with constituency, school and college/uni branches, its own conference and sabbatical officers, plus seats on the nec, delegates to conference, etc.
- Conference must be sovereign: 50%+ speaking time for lay delegates; 50%+ conference time for clp and union motions; conference motions passed must be included in the Manifesto.
- Abolish the National Policy Forum. Conference and the nec, not the Leader’s Office should decide policy. clps, black, youth & women’s sections and trade unions have the right to submit policy documents for debate. For a special policy conference, one year before a general election, to decide on major Manifesto pledges.
- Free and open selection procedures for all mps and councillors. mps and councillors who act against the wishes of their clp or branch must explain their reasons to the party and provide a public platform for the majority’s views to be heard.
- Abolish the Compliance Unit and end the purges. Local party units, the nec and conference should decide on all internal disputes. For the right of appeal in all cases.
- The Labour Party supports the participation of affiliated unions and bona fide socialist societies, but they should be encouraged to choose their delegates and voting intentions by truly democratic means, not stack up votes for the bureaucrats’ preferred positions.
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