Young people

NCAFC ‘reinvigoration meeting’: why we didn’t stand for the committee

Statement by REVOLUTION Many student activists will be wondering why we did not stand for, or vote, in the elections for a steering committee at the recent “reinvigoration” meeting of the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts on 5 June. There’s no doubt been much frustration in the movement after parliament voted for tuition fees, […]

Workers Power  ·  08 June 2011

Chair of Birkbeck Union hammers A.C Grayling's new private university for rich kids

A new private university, New College of Humanities, is set to offer degrees with big name intellectuals for the outrageous sum of £18,000. Scandalously, it plans to be part of the University of London and even use its public facilities such as the University of London Union. Birkbeck Student Union Chair, and Vice President-Elect of […]

Workers Power  ·  07 June 2011

Education and resistance: next steps for the student movement

As the student academic year draws to a close, the summer is a good time for reflection on the year that was. John Bowman provides a balance sheet for Revolution. Read it here

Workers Power  ·  05 June 2011

Youth see no future under Con-Dems

  As the majority of UK working class youth face a future without further education and limited job prospects, what has to be done? asks Joy Macready

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

Unpaid internships: an exploitive trick

Increasing numbers of young people are being forced to work for free as school leavers, college leavers and university graduates enter a flat jobs market, writes Rachel Brooks.

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

Joana Pinto speaks to NUS conference: ‘together we can win’

Joana Pinto stood for the Vice President Union Development position at this years NUS conference. Below is her speech, calling for a fighting students union

Workers Power  ·  22 April 2011

NUS conference 2011: the fight for students has just begun

Joana Pinto talks about her experience running for NUS Vice President position, NUS conference, and where students can take the fight from here

Workers Power  ·  18 April 2011

Britain’s young jilted generation

SOME PEOPLE would have you believe that young people today are lazy and that they don’t care about education. Adverts tell young people how terrible their life will be without the right shoes, deodorant or iPhone. Teachers and celebrities tell us that there is a world full of opportunities and it’s our own fault if […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Angry students chase NUS President off demo

Yesterday over 4000 students, workers and youth took to the streets of Manchester against the Con Dem cuts to EMA, education funding, and the public sector. Official ‘leaders’ of the movement tried to hold back protesters from expressing their anger. But they only showed their increasing irrelevance to the struggle. Many activists held placards declaring […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

NUS leadership has no strategy to win

When the NUS NEC passed a strategy document, supported by NUS president Aaron Porter for the student movement on 10 January, they showed once again that they want to plead and negotiate with the Con Dem government, rather than organise a fight to stop their plans. The document agreed to sponsor the Manchester demonstration on […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

Vote for NUS left slate

National Union of Students President Aaron Porter will be facing an election challenge at this years NUS conference, as left-wing student activists announced they would group together to form an anti-cuts, anti-fees slate. Joana Pinto, press officer for the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, and Workers Power member, will be standing for the Vice […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

Education about discipline and values, not learning, says Gove

Teachers need on-the-job training, not proper education, according to the latest government white paper, The Importance of Teaching. Put forward by Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education, the document outlines plans to ditch the one-year postgraduate course for new teachers – mostly university based education and training – and to carry out training at […]

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2011

Stop police brutality

On 9 December thousands of students defied the law, passed by the last Labour government, to march into Parliament Square. The police responded by “kettling” protesters for hours in the freezing cold without food, water, toilets, even denying the injured medical attention. This is a denial of our civil rights to assemble and march, and […]

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2011

Fees fight not over

Now that parliament has voted to increase tuition fees and abolish the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), the student movement needs to force universities and councils to refuse to implement the policies.

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2011

Student struggle inspires UK-wide fight against cuts

Youth and students in Britain have run an astonishing campaign against cuts to education funding, tuition fee increases and the withdrawal of central government funding for the Education Maintenance Allowance. The month of high-intensity protest saw public opinion sway in favour of the student demonstrators, a political crisis in the Liberal Democrats, and most importantly, […]

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2011

Camden girls proud to fight!

We staged a 24-hour “teach-in” on Wednesday 8 December in a form of protest against this coalition Government, which has now voted for the raising of tuition fees up to £9,000. The main reason for the occupation was to raise awareness through media coverage about this rise in tuition fees, and we feel we were […]

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2011

Riot girls or thinking women?

The day after the mass student walkout on 24 November, the Daily Mail ran the headline, “The Rage of the Girl Rioters”, supposedly exposing a new generation of mindless female thugs. Although the Mail described the images as “disturbing”, I think it was an inspiration to see so many young women protesting. Ninety years on […]

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2011

"We turned Oxford into Paris!"

Over 1000 Oxford students marched through Oxford protesting spending cuts and the Browne review. A student body noted for its conservatism battled the police in an attempt to occupy the university. Today we saw the birth of a new student movement. Organised An initial organising meeting of 200 students discussed the Browne review and its […]

Workers Power  ·  28 October 2010

Students shake the Con-Dems, now workers can break them

2010 WAS A year of youth rebellion as the students from schools and colleges across the country took furious action against the Tories’ hike in fees and cuts in grants. Let no one speak of the apathetic, playstation generation again. The cry of ‘Tory scum’ went up in every town and city across Britain. Voiced […]

Workers Power  ·  01 January 2010

Communist principles of youth organisation

The revolutionary tradition of communist youth organisation and its applicability today.

Workers Power  ·  30 April 2004

Fighting to Win: A guide to revolutionary politics and direct action for students

A pamphlet for students published in 1987.

Workers Power  ·  01 October 1987

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