What is the programme and why is it important?
Revolutionary leadership is needed to break the hold of the reformists and win the working class to communism.
Can capitalism be reformed through parliament?
How Marx and Engels transformed socialist ideas into a scientific critique of capitalism.
A political-economic analysis of the working class under capitalism.
By Colin Lloyd “The last few years have been marked by an inverted millenarianism in which premonitions of the future, catastrophic or redemptive, have been replaced by the end of this or that (the end of ideology, art or social class, the ‘crisis’ of Leninism, social democracy or the welfare state etc. etc.); taken together, […]
Principles, strategy and tactics in the struggle for national liberation.
A comprehensive critique of the politics of the SWP and IS tradition, covering State Capitalism, Third Campism, the party question, Economism, women, the trade unions, the general strike and Ireland.
Theses on the united front and how revolutionaries use the tactic to win support and leadership within workers' struggles
Is the national question Marxism's achilles heel?
1992 edition of our theses on the nature and principles of Trotskyism.
Theses on the method and principles of the organisation of pre-party communist groups
A Marxist analysis of the origins and forms of women's oppression and the communist programme for liberation.
How should revolutionaries operate in elections and parliament?
An article on the 50th anniversary of Gramsci's death examines the enigma of his contribution to Marxism
Resolution outlining the tactics of communists towards non-proletarian classes in the struggle against imperialism in the semi-colonies.
The communist programme for the nuclear power industry.
Theses on reformism, reformist parties, the united front, and labor, affiliation, entry, and electoral tactics.
A general outline of our early programme, precursor to the Trotskyist Manifesto and From Protest to Power
Theses agreed on the Solidarnosc movement and political crisis in Poland by the early member of the Movement for a Revolutionary Communist International.
Download the PDF version here.
Dave Hughes concludes the series by looking at Lenin and Luxemburg’s fights for the revolutionary programme within the Second International In the last article we examined the struggle waged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks within the shattered framework of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party between 1903 and 1912. We showed that this was a struggle against opportunism […]
This article is devoted to the debate on the political and organisational heritage of Trotskyism and Leninism to which the Workers’ Socialist League, the International Marxist Group and the International-Communist League contributed in the 1970s What is being debated? The IMG have centred the debate around their own current ’unity offensive’. In the series of […]
A three-part series explaining the importance of programme in Marx, Engels and Lenin.
The war in the Six Counties is a war between British imperialism and the Irish people. But this fact is still not clear to many on the British left.