
Justice for Smiley – Justice for all who have died in police custody!

The death of Smiley Culture while in police custody has struck a chord that has resonated deeply across south London and Britain’s black community. Even the Evening Standard says thousands will march on 16 April in “the largest black community-led demonstration in years”. Jeremy Drinkall reports

Workers Power  ·  15 April 2011

Prison officers threaten strike over prison privatisation

G4S, formerly known as ‘Securicor’ has been awarded a contract to take over Birmingham Prison. The outsourcing security company has a terrible reputation for the security services it has run in the past and those it continues to run today. G4S’ American subsidiary, Wackenhut, runs several privatised prisons in the US where staff have been […]

Workers Power  ·  15 April 2011

The credit crunch: a marxist analysis

What caused the credit crunch? Some said lenders got “too greedy”. Others blamed the regulators. Yet more denied it was even happening. The Credit Crunch – A Marxist Analysis offers a radically different explanation. Charting how the events unfolded, and drawing on Karl Marx’s theory of crisis, Richard Brenner and Michael Pröbsting argue that the […]

Workers Power  ·  12 April 2011

Brixton riots 1981: the fight against racism

From the Workers Power archive – April 1981. Mark Hoskisson explains the causes of the Brixton riots, poverty, alienation and systematic racist abuse from the police

Workers Power  ·  11 April 2011

Editorial: we can beat the Tories!

Along with thousands of activists, all our readers will be striving to make the 26 March demonstration as big as possible. 500,000 jobs to go in the public sector. Another 500,000 to follow in the private sector. 34 per cent cuts in council spending leading to libraries, youth services, care for the elderly all being […]

Workers Power  ·  06 April 2011

Italy: women and workers march against Berlusconi

Hundreds of thousands of women took to the streets of 200 Italian cities on 13 February calling for “dignity” and greater rights for women, Rebecca Anderson

Workers Power  ·  06 April 2011

Tower Hamlets workers throw their weight behind call for general strike

Teachers and council workers from Tower Hamlets called on their leaders to organise general strike action today in a mass rally after 2,000 trade unionists, joined by the local community marched against cuts. Council workers in purple Unison jackets were joined by school banners, behind which marched school children, parents and lots of teachers carrying […]

Workers Power  ·  30 March 2011

Unions enter the battlefield: half a million surge onto London anti-cuts march

It was a long time coming, but yesterday London was crammed full of people for one of the largest demonstrations in years. Trade unionists, families, pensioners, communities, youth and students took over central London in defence of jobs and services, and against the Con-Dem coalition. The march was so huge that some protesters took over […]

Workers Power  ·  27 March 2011

March 26 Demonstration Live Blog

Demonstration live blog

Workers Power  ·  26 March 2011

Stop the UN intervention in Libya

The UN decision to intervene in Libya was not a humanitarian measure to “protect civilians”. It was, first of all, a carefully calculated policy to protect Western interests in the country. Secondly, however, it was a major step towards stabilising the entire region, stemming the tide of rebellion while ensuring the continued rule of Western […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Victory to the Libyan Revolution!

The rebellion against Gadaffi’s dictatorship deserves unconditional support and that is not altered by the UN decision. Those who oppose powerful states have the right to get hold of arms wherever they can and to take advantage of any weaknesses in their oppressors’ situation. That remains true even where the weaknesses are the result of […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Smiley Culture dies in police custody

Demonstrate against police custody deaths, remember Smiley 16 April 2011, 12pm South Bank Gym, 124-130 Wandsworth Road (Vauxhall tube) SMILEY CULTURE, Britain’s first rap star, died on Tuesday 15 March with a single stab wound to the heart. His family, friends and the black community as a whole are in shock and demand answers. The […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Royal Family: affront to democracy

THE FORTHCOMING marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton on 29 April is being paraded as a “feel good” moment for the whole country. Yet it has already cost £20 million for security while the rest of us have to put up with swingeing cuts. The wall to wall coverage of the Royal wedding has […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Britain’s young jilted generation

SOME PEOPLE would have you believe that young people today are lazy and that they don’t care about education. Adverts tell young people how terrible their life will be without the right shoes, deodorant or iPhone. Teachers and celebrities tell us that there is a world full of opportunities and it’s our own fault if […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Will Arab revolutions transform Palestine?

How will the emerging Arab revolutions affect the struggle of the Palestinian people? Will it help their long battle for national liberation? This question is on the minds of millions throughout the Middle East, where solidarity with the Palestinians remains a key component of popular aspirations. There is no sign yet that the revolutions will […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Next Chinese leader set to face workers’ rebellion

YOU MAY not have heard of him, but the man to watch in China is Xi Jinping. Two years ago he organised the Beijing Olympics. By this time next year, he will be President of China. In the capitalist dictatorship that still calls itself the ‘People’s Republic’, the question of government is not left to chance, […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

From tsunami to nuclear crisis and market chaos

AT 2:55PM on 13 March a 30 foot high Tsunami struck Japan, the waves crashing over flood barriers and in some areas reaching as far as six miles in land. It was caused by an earthquake which measured 8.9 on the Richter scale that occurred out at sea 10 minutes earlier. The earthquake was roughly the […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Secrets and lies of nuclear power

MOST PEOPLE do not think nuclear power is a problem until something goes wrong – then the threat of radiation or an explosion suddenly becomes real. One Japanese worker told the BBC of his fear “going to work 150 miles away from three nuclear reactors in near meltdown”. Japan has become increasingly reliant on nuclear power […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Solidarity sweeps USA as workers dare to fight

The action of workers and young people in the US has been an inspiration. A series of mass protests, occupations and strikes have shaken the states of Wisconisn, Ohio and Indiana. Battling a huge programme of spending cuts and attacks on the unions, their struggle shows what can be achieved even in historically right wing […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Free Bradley Manning

UNTRIED AND unconvicted, 24-year-old US army private Bradley Manning has been imprisoned for almost 300 days, held in cruel, inhuman and degrading conditions under a ‘prevention of injury’ order at the Quantico marine base. He is kept in his cell 23 hours a day, force fed a daily diet of antidepressant pills, forbidden to exercise in […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Obama’s trail of broken promises

Barack Obama campaigned on a ticket of ‘hope and change’ but, in office, has radically short-changed his young, Black and working class supporters. It was their huge mobilisation for his election campaign in 2008 that put America’s first black president into office and also swept the Democrats to victory in both houses of Congress. Two […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011


From credit crunch to global crisis The fightback begins WHAT STARTED as a credit crunch became a worldwide recession. The banks demanded public money to keep their system afloat – now the governments of the world face huge deficits in their budgets and demand the poor pay the cost of this crisis. Mervyn King, head […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Labour Party: with us or against us?

IN THE MONTHS after the Con-Dem coalition was formed, 30,000 people – fearful for their future – signed up to join the Labour Party. Brown’s departure meant a party leadership contest and many old and new party members hoped someone would emerge who would rally resistance to the impending savage cuts to jobs and services. They were […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

TUC: leaders without a strategy

The Trade Union Congress called the 26 March demo under the slogans: jobs, growth and justice. Countering the Con-Dems’ rhetoric that that there is no alternative to cuts, the TUC bases its economic strategy on three demands: • Crackdown on tax avoidance and loopholes • Raise Robin Hood tax on banks and finance • Policies […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Strikes take anticuts fight to next stage

As we go to press, the Universities and Colleges Union is in the middle of a week of strikes. This will culminate on 24 March, when 120,000 further and higher education teachers will strike together across the UK.

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

“No one’s talking about a general strike”

There is a serious debate going on within the movement about how to beat the cuts, write Jeremy Drinkall and Richard Brenner. Different strategies are being proposed but there is one thing that the TUC and Tories certainly agree on – nobody is talking about a general strike (or are they?)

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Millionaires’ war on services

NEARLY 80 per cent of the Con Dem Coalition cabinet are millionaires, yet their attacks are hitting ordinary people hardest

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Serve the rich, screw the poor – the Tories’ vision for Britain

The Tories are pushing through some of the most dramatic cuts and reforms in living memory, John Bowman explains where they want to take Britain

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Editorial: All together now

Over the next four years the Tories and the Liberal Democrats want to destroy the welfare state as we know it, writes editor Simon Hardy

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Bring down the Tories? Yes we can!

Mandate? No WAY. Cameron and Clegg do not have the voters’ backing for their vicious cuts package – the deepest in British history. Their Coalition only has a majority in Parliament because of Lib Dem support, and the Lib Dems only won votes because they promised to oppose the cuts. What’s more, no one voted […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

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