Work and trade unions

Bus strikes can lead fight against fire-and-rehire

The rank and file must take control.

Joe Crathorne  ·  25 March 2021

This week in strikes: a round up of industrial disputes

Whats kicking off and where.

Joe Crathorne  ·  11 March 2021

Uber victory for gig economy workers

Court rules Uber drivers are workers.

Alex Rutherford  ·  11 March 2021

The fight for safe re-opening of schools goes on

A brief respite is being eroded by the government's failure to adequately fund safe schools

A Unison Steward  ·  16 February 2021

Unison left splits after election defeat

The left should agree a common slate for NEC elections based on based on building a rank-and-file led class struggle union

Jeremy Dewar  ·  11 February 2021

CWU-Royal Mail Deal: The price of not fighting

The new CWU-Royal Mail deal sells our conditions too cheaply.

A CWU Rep  ·  20 January 2021

School closures can develop into fight for workers’ control of education

By KD Tait Following a mass online briefing attended by tens of thousands of education workers at the weekend, trade unionists are taking action to prevent the unsafe reopening of schools. This action is now essential because the government’s insistence on keeping schools open was a major contributory factor to the spread of a more […]

KD Tait  ·  04 January 2021

Stop schools, colleges, universities spreading disease and death

By Jeremy Dewar Novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-19 continues to test the world’s governments. None more than Boris Johnson’s Tory administration, it seems, with the recent discovery of a new strain, variant B117 in the south-east of Britain, which is proving to be 56% more infectious than previous iterations of the virus. Not only is this variant […]

Jeremy Dewar  ·  30 December 2020

Vote Paul Holmes – but organise the rank and file!

Unison General Secretary election.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  23 November 2020

Shut down schools and colleges now

We need to prepare to take action.

A Unison Steward  ·  10 November 2020

Optare workers strike against broken pay promise

Companies that cut jobs should be nationalised without compensation to their owners

Workers Power  ·  21 October 2020

All change at Unison?

Vote Paul Homles for Unison General Secretary

Jeremy Dewar  ·  08 October 2020

Bristol Trades Council to protest rising unemployment

Take this motion to your trade union or Labour branch.

Workers Power  ·  01 October 2020

Should workers accept cuts if Royal Mail is losing money?

Smokescreen of financial difficulties.

Pete Thompson  ·  24 September 2020

Solidarity with Sodexo workers at Birkbeck!

Threats of large-scale redundancies among outsourced catering staff at Birkbeck have sparked a campaign of resistance from Birkbeck Unison.

Joe Crathorne  ·  22 September 2020

CWU leadership talks out the ballot

Postal workers being lined up for a defeat

A CWU Rep  ·  21 September 2020

Motion on the great jobs massacre

Passed by Lambeth Unison

Workers Power  ·  09 September 2020

How capitalism causes unemployment

How Marxists explain the causes and consequences of unemployment under capitalism

Jeremy Dewar and Samuel George  ·  08 September 2020

British Gas threaten to “fire and re-hire” 20,000 workers

GMB must press ahead with strike ballot.

George Banks  ·  03 September 2020

Unite leaders recommend surrender

Say no to shoddy British Airways deal!

Tim Nailsea  ·  01 September 2020

Grassroots Fight for 15% can Win by Escalating Action

Rallies and demonstrations are due to take place across the country, as part of a growing grassroots revolt by nurses and health workers excluded from a recent public sector pay rise

KD Tait  ·  26 August 2020

United Left Divided

The divide in Unite's dominant faction deepens.

Tim Nailsea  ·  23 August 2020

Leeds healthworkers join NHS fight for 15%

Hundreds joined the nationwide day of action calling for justice for NHS nurses and health workers excluded from a recent public sector pay rise.

Workers Power  ·  08 August 2020

Nationalise Royal Mail, defend the USO!

Royal Mail is in the red - our answer must be renationalisation

Pete Thompson  ·  14 July 2020

The great jobs massacre has begun

As unemployment rockets, union rank & file and unemployed must launch fightback.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  14 July 2020

Union makes concessions as talks begin with Royal Mail

The answer to a Royal Mail in the red is renationalisation not cuts

A CWU Rep  ·  14 July 2020

Unions and Labour Councils must step up the fight against unsafe re-opening of schools

How we can stop the schools reopening on 1 June and put public health before private wealth

A school union rep  ·  20 May 2020

Relaxing the Lockdown? To save lives and jobs – we’ll need workers control

Britain has become No1 in Europe and No2 in the world for COVID-19 mortality. To replace the “stay at home’ message with “go to work” carries the danger of a second peak.

Dave Stockton  ·  07 May 2020

Threat of mass walkouts foils Royal Mail bosses’ sneak attack

Royal Mail's attempt to cut the postal service has been thwarted by the threat of walkouts.

A CWU Rep  ·  04 May 2020

Remember the dead – fight for the living!

As the coronavirus crisis rips through society, International Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April is more important than ever.

Andy Yorke  ·  27 April 2020

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