Resolution adopted by the XIIth Congress of the League for the Fifth International.
A Marxist analysis of the fundamental contradictions between sustainability and the capitalist mode of production.
An analysis of the crisis of the European Union and an action programme to guide the struggle for a Socialist United States of Europe.
Resolution on the revolutions and counter-revolutions in the Arab Spring.
Perspectives, strategy and tasks in the class struggle.
The general principles of Leninism-Trotskyism in the 21st century.
An action programme to fight the capitalist crisis
The systemic causes of the climate crisis and the role of the working class in solving it.
The methods and principles of communist work in the trade unions.
Resolution on the methods and principles of communist organisation, from ideological current to mass party
A political-economic analysis of the working class under capitalism.
Principles, strategy and tactics in the struggle for national liberation.
Theses on the united front and how revolutionaries use the tactic to win support and leadership within workers' struggles
1992 edition of our theses on the nature and principles of Trotskyism.
Theses on the method and principles of the organisation of pre-party communist groups
How should revolutionaries operate in elections and parliament?
Resolution outlining the tactics of communists towards non-proletarian classes in the struggle against imperialism in the semi-colonies.
The communist programme for the nuclear power industry.
Theses on reformism, reformist parties, the united front, and labor, affiliation, entry, and electoral tactics.
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