THE HAPLESS Theresa May has delivered yet another dud speech on Britain’s stalled negotiations with the European Union. In what Guardian commentator John Grace describes as a “dingy annexe of Santa Maria Novella in Florence”, there was no glittering Renaissance For the Tory leader. Her speech, delivered in the bizarre setting of the city on […]
THE ACUTE political crisis in Spain began with the decision by the Catalan parliament on September 6 to hold a binding independence referendum on October 1. On September 7, the government of prime minister Mariano Rajoy appealed to the Constitutional Court in Madrid to suspend the referendum decision. This the court immediately did. Carles Puigdemont, […]
EVEN BEFORE Germany’s general election on September 24, the outcome already looks certain; the conservative party, Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, CDU, and its Bavarian sister party, CSU, will again be the strongest party in parliament. Compared to 2013, there may be a loss of perhaps 5 percent but that was a landslide victory in which […]
Elections for delegates to Young Labour’s policy conference close at 12pm on 13 September. These elections are a chance to take a step forward in making Young Labour a democratic, campaigning organisation, that reflects the enthusiasm and support for left wing ideas among the tens of thousands of new young members. For decades Young Labour […]
By Peter Main LABOUR’S CALL for a post-Brexit “transition period”, during which the UK would remain in the Single Market, has been presented as a clear-headed alternative to the government’s “constructive ambiguity”. Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer described it as “a credible solution to one of the most important issues facing Britain’s exit from the […] Defend & extend the right to free movement of people On 31 July the Tories confirmed their intention to end free movement between the UK and EU. On 2 August, however, the EU Commission released its Eurobarometer survey, showing 70pc of British people support the right to free movement across Europe. On 4 August […]
MODEL MOTION: Solidarity with BFAWU McDonald’s workers This Labour Party branch/clp welcomes: The decision to strike by forty staff in the Bakers’, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) at two McDonald’s stores, who voted by 95.7 percent to strike[1] against cuts to hours and other attacks on union members, some of whom have been unable […]
THE UK is at a crossroads in its relationship to the rest of the world, and so is our party. Immigrants and free movement are being scapegoated by a political and economic elite that is subjecting ordinary people to cuts and austerity. During the greatest refugee crisis in recent years, the Tories have responded with […]
By KD Tait LABOUR have been consistently ahead of the Tories in the polls since the summer. This Autumn is a chance for the whole labour movement to take the offensive against a Tory government that has no plan except fighting amongst themselves over Brexit. But although Theresa May is a lame duck prime minister, […]
ISLAMIC STATE has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, which killed 13 people and wounded more than 100. The whole working class movement should stand united in condemning these indiscriminate acts of terror and extend our sympathy and solidarity to the families, friends and bystanders traumatised by these horrific events. The […]
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump, so far a spectacular failure in his domestic policies, is compensating for this by exercising his power as the Commander in Chief of the most powerful nation in the world. Having launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase and killed 39 ISIS fighters with the “Mother Of All Bombs” […]
LAST JULY there were two coups in Turkey, one failed, one succeeded. On the evening of July 15, pictures showing the Bosporus Bridge, sealed off by the military, began to spread across the social media together with pictures of government buildings in Ankara being bombed by the army. To this day, it is not certain […]
PROTESTS BY Palestinians against Israeli restrictions on access to the Haram-al Sharif (Temple Mount), have been reignited after police imposed a ban on entry for worshippers under 50. The latest provocation is a concession to far-right Zionists who denounced the previous climbdown as a humiliation. If there is a conclusion to be drawn from the […]
“We agreed that we do not agree.” That about sums up the outcome of the G20 summit. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump did not change his mind on the Paris Climate Change Agreement of 2015 and the US will not re-join it. The rest of the G20 want to stick to it, at least in principle. […]
The recent G20 summit turned into a public relations disaster for its host Angela Merkel, after a violent police operation to pacify the streets of Hamburg stole the spotlight. The city’s Social-Democratic Interior Minister, continuing a 100 year old tradition of trigger-happy social democratic police chiefs, boasted the summit would be a “showcase for modern […]
From Clara Zetkin to the New York garment strike of 1908
2016 was a year of momentous events. In Syria, the European Union, South America, the USA, these were not positive ones for the struggles of the working class and progressive forces fighting for democratic rights. Rather the opposite. In Syria, the year ended with the fall of Aleppo to Assad’s brutal regime and and the […]
IN THE wake of the terrorist atrocities of 13 November 2015, which left 130 dead, Socialist government ministers and local mayors in various cities and regions have launched a series of measures targeting Muslims and the immigrant population. The barbarous attack in Nice on 14 July has renewed the sense of fear and the tolerance of […]
OWEN SMITH is the candidate chosen by Labour’s rebel right wing MPs to stand against Jeremy Corbyn in the leadership election. Many party activists asked, “Owen who?”, so low was his profile when his bid was announced in July. His choice sums up just how cynical and bankrupt the right wing of the party are. Their […]
REPORTS ARE rife that rebel Labour MPs will offer Jeremy Corbyn a “truce” if is he re-elected. In return for ceasing their open sabotage in the Commons and the media they will demand the dilution of Corbyn’s programme and the blocking of any restoration of the membership’s democratic rights. They will demand a stop to […]
THE COUP has failed. Jeremy Corbyn has resisted a vicious attempt to morally blackmail him into resigning and opening the way to a right-wing counter-revolution in the Labour Party – a return to austerity-lite and anti-immigration policies. The Labour rebels will now have to challenge Corbyn and hundreds of thousands of members in a leadership contest, […]
A handful of disloyal members are using their privileges as MPs to launch a coup against Jeremy Corbyn. This coup demonstrates the plotters’ contempt for democracy and for the wishes of the 250,000 people who elected Jeremy as leader nine months ago. Deputy leader Tom Watson barely waited to get the Glastonbury mud off his […]
The recent furore in Labour has renewed debate about the nature of one of the oldest forms of racism By Jeremy Dewar & Dave Stockton Religious bigotry is practically as old as religion itself. And Christian religious bigotry against Jews, unparalleled in the Muslim world of the same period, was a feature of the so-called […]
By Dave Stockton The press reported David Cameron as jubilant – can he do anything else beyond jubilating? On the morning after the 5 May elections, it became clear that their results were a disappointment to a wide spectrum of politicians, journalists and assorted “think tanks”; indeed to all of those who had already written […]
Statement Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism This campaign is actually directed against Corbyn and the party’s new left majority Fight all forms of racism Counter-offensive against the right starts now A cynical campaign is in full swing to destabilise the Labour leadership on the verge of the London Mayoral, local and regional elections, and in particular […]
Declaration of the Tenth Congress of the League for the Fifth International Since 2008, global capitalism has entered a new period of historic crisis, characterised by weak recovery, stagnation and renewed recession. As well as economic, this has had political, environmental and ideological consequences, against which both the political and trade union organisations of the […]
The Irish general election result has delivered a huge blow to the outgoing Fine Gael-Labour coalition government. Although Fine Gael will still be marginally the largest party, despite losing around a third of their seats, the plunge in the Labour vote from 19 to just below 7 per cent rules out a repeat coalition. […]
Scarcely a week after Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party, the Sunday Times published a statement by an anonymous serving general threatening that the army high command would prevent a Corbyn-led Labour government carrying out its programme. The threat was made in response to Corbyn’s high profile opposition to Nato and Trident and plans […]
By Dave Stockton 15 September 2015 Jeremy Corbyn’s programme for a future Labour government contrasts dramatically with the austerity-lite policies that lost Ed Miliband and Ed Balls the general election. They are miles more radical and coherent than the mish mash offered up by Jeremy’s rival candidates in the Labour leadership election. In their own […]