An interview with Jerry Hicks, an organiser of Grass Roots Left, the rank and file movement in UNITE, and a long standing trade unions activist who is speaking on the Saturday of Anticapitalism 2011
Ashok Kumar, student activist and ex LSE sabbatical officer, wil be speaking at Anticapitalism 2011 on the new racism
Joana Ramiro will be speaking at Anticapitalism 2011 on the struggle for the liberation of Palestine The story of the Palestinian struggle is written in blood in the history books. From the British Mandate to the Zionist State, Palestine is a land that was never its own, a people who still suffer national oppression to […]
Public education is under attack. Greedy corporations are hell bent on getting their hands on schools, colleges and universities – desperate to make a profit out of education and knowledge. This is having a terrible affect on young people, adult learners and education workers – as the market drives up costs, drives down standards and […]
We need a new women’s movement based on both gender and class politics, argues Jo Cassidy
Gaddafi has been toppled from power, but the fight for the future of Libya continues. Dave Stockton looks at the growing conflicts amongst the anti-Gaddafi forces.
The state of Georgia has carried out a modern day lynching,, writes Jeff Albertson
Indian car workers have taken off the breaks in the struggle against management, by Ahsan Raza The city of Gurgaon symbolises India’s economic boom. Twenty miles from New Delhi, its skyline is dominated by the offices of multinationals – IBM, Nokia, Honda, Bank of America. Not so visible are the two million industrial workers of […]
The new Prime Minister of Nepal won’t be able to change the problems affecting the country, writes Rajesh Thapa
Shehzad Arshad from Revolutionary Socialist Movement, Pakistan, reports on the struggle of the electrical company workers in Karachi against their bosses and company thugs
Whilst most of the worlds population support the Palestinian bid at the UN for statehood, the US and Israel have threatened to stop recognition at all costs. Andy Yorke explains what is at stake
Natalie Silverstein reports on the latest developments at Dale Farm, a travelled community threatened with eviction
Protests have mushroomed since Israel’s killing of five Egyptian soldiers in mid-August, when Israeli security forces breached Egyptian territory in pursuit of Islamist militants allegedly responsible for a series of attacks on Israeli civilians in Eilat. Popular anger at Israel’s actions and at its renewed bombardment of Gaza prompted mass demonstrations outside the Israeli embassy […]
Massive strikes by workers have broken out across Egypt, reports Marcus Halaby. This opens up a new phase of the revolution as Egypt heads towards its first post-Mubarak elections in November.
Troy Davis, an innocent man on death row in Georgia, USA, has now been executed by lethal injection, in yet another shocking example of the racism that still shames the US political system. In this article, written a few hours before his execution, Ed Pilkington gives ten reasons why it should never have happened. Read […]
The construction workers campaign against vicious attacks on their JIB (Joint Industry Board) terms and conditions is escalating. Today 200 construction workers held a protest outside Farringdon Crossrail site, then marched through the main entrance, forced their way through the gates and held a rally in the middle of the excavation, in full view of […]
The anti-EDL protest in Tower Hamlet’s teaches us a lot about the problems we face in the anti fascist movement, but also how we can go forward, writes Mark Booth
This article gives a stark insight into the day-to-day experience of police brutality and racism in our inner city communities that fuelled the recent riots. Although we don’t agree with the author’s opposition to cuts in police budgets (Workers Power stands for democratic, working class policing from below, not capitalist policing from above), it’s vital reading […]
Millions are going on strike against government cuts but to see success we need to keep the pressure on the union tops, writes John Bowman
ANTICAPITALISM 2011 Friday 21 October at University London Union, Malet Street Saturday 22 to Sunday 23 October at UCL University, Goodge Street SPEAKERS INCLUDE: * Owen Jones, author of Chavs; the demonistation of the working class * John McDonnell MP * Guy Aitchison, OpenDemocracy.Net * Hannah […]
Marcus Halaby looks at how the growing strike wave, mass demonstrations in Tahrir square and Israeli embassy protests herald a new wave of revolution. Eight months after the fall of Mubarak, Egypt’s newly independent trade unions are now gearing up for their first major challenge to the military government that replaced him. Having its origins […]
Anticapitalism 2011 is your chance to come and discuss some of the most important issues going on in the world today.
In the last days a general strike has rocked Egypt. The strike movement illustrates how the Egyptian revolution is entering a new phase, as workers come to the fore of the struggle to dislodge the military junta from power. Here we publish the statement of the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, who have led […]
This piece at the Daily Kos looks at the clamour of western powers to claim victory for the Libyan Revolution in order to increase their control of the country into the future. Although we do not agree with the author that the Nato bombers “did serve a humanitarian purpose”, the article usefully counters the arguments […]
Jeremy Dewar monthly industrial overview updates us on the pensions dispute
Natalie Silverstein and Rix Bragg investigate how racism has changed as its targets have changed
September will see a show down at the UN over the question of Palestinian statehood. This could have serious international ramifications, argues Simon Hardy
Jeremy Dewar argues that August’s disturbances were not ‘criminality pure and simple’ but a youth uprising against police racism, poverty and social oppression
Gaddafi has been defeated – now the fight is on to save Libya from NATO and the oil grabbing western powers, writes Richard Brenner
THE IMPERIALIST powers were caught backing the ‘wrong side’ in the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions, notes Richard Brenner. Only when it became clear that Mubarak would fall, did they turn around and start to pose as apostles of democracy.