Resolution on the oppression of trans people.
The systemic causes of the climate crisis and the role of the working class in solving it.
Introduction to a collection of League theses and resolutions.
The methods and principles of communist work in the trade unions.
The revolutionary tradition of communist youth organisation and its applicability today.
Download the PDF version here.
The 'three concepts of the Russian revolution' that grew up prior to the outbreak of the mass struggle in 1905.
Obituary for Colin Ward, sacked miner and revolutionary socialist.
An outline of the struggle against economism and the beginnings of Leninism.
Obituary for Bruce Groves, founder member of Workers Power and campaigner for the disabled.
The communist policy on war.
The nuclear family is not as normal as its defenders would have us believe.
Download the PDF version here.
The materialist and scientific foundations of Marxism.
Why Marxist political economy explains things better than the capitalists' economic models.
The three strands of thinking that make up scientific socialism.
What is the programme and why is it important?
Revolutionary leadership is needed to break the hold of the reformists and win the working class to communism.
Can capitalism be reformed through parliament?
How Marx and Engels transformed socialist ideas into a scientific critique of capitalism.
A comprehensive critique of the politics of the SWP and IS tradition, covering State Capitalism, Third Campism, the party question, Economism, women, the trade unions, the general strike and Ireland.
1992 edition of our theses on the nature and principles of Trotskyism.
A pamphlet about the first Gulf War, 1991.
A Marxist analysis of the origins and forms of women's oppression and the communist programme for liberation.
A pamphlet for students published in 1987.
Resolution outlining the tactics of communists towards non-proletarian classes in the struggle against imperialism in the semi-colonies.
The communist programme for the nuclear power industry.
The miners are now locked in a life or death struggle with the Tory government and Thatcher’s henchman at the NCB.
THE COMING struggle in the mines is likely to be a long and bitter one. It will involve not only the miners but their wives and families in tremendous sacrifices. Already miners’ families will have discovered that one of Thatcher’s measures in 1980 has deprived them of between £12 and £14 a week in social […]
An action programme for health, produced by Workers Power's health worker fraction Red Pulse.