Articles  •  Britain

Motion to Unite Resistance Convention

21 November 2011

This is the motion which was submitted to the Unite the Resistance conference, but not taken,  on 19 November 2011
1. Recognising the seriousness of the coalition governments attacks on jobs, pensions, wages and benefits this Convention will set about establishing an organised fight-back in the unions and in the communities.
2. We recognise:
· that maximum co-ordinated strike action – official if possible, unofficial if necessary – must be organised to throw back this Tory led offensive
· that ultimately only an all out mass strike, of general strike proportions, can defeat this government’s offensive and break up the coalition
3. November 30 must be used as springboard for further action. We cannot allow the trade union leaders to limit the struggle to one day actions every three or six months. We must build now for extended action at a local and regional level – all out, stay out:
· on November 30 call mass meetings of rank and file strikers to demand and organise for extended strike action in January – step up the action
· build cross union strike committees across boroughs, towns and cities so that the rank and file of the unions are able to organise effective coordinated action
· develop strong links with local anti-cuts committees, communities and all groups taking action against the government and banks – UK Uncut, Occupy – with the aim of developing a mass movement of strikes, occupations and direct action against the government and its business allies.
· reject any attempts to break ranks by the union leaders/TUC on November 30 or after – no settlement until everyone settles
4. This Convention will elect an interim Steering Committee that is representative of the trade unionists, socialists and anti cuts groups at this conference. This SC will organise regional conferences post November 30 to help coordinate the struggles and unite the resistance, inviting the National Shop Stewards Network and Coalition of Resistance to involve themselves in the organisation. We will also take practical steps to build a cross union rank and file movement to organise for the above actions, hold our leaders to account and transform the unions into fighting organisations.
5. This Convention will reconvene as a delegate based conference, preferably outside of London, by February 2012. It will invite trade union and anti cuts bodies to submit resolutions on the way forward.

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