International  •  Middle East & North Africa

Another Israeli crime in order to prepare the invasion of Lebanon

26 September 2024

Originally published by the Communist Workers’ Party of Italy.

Israel continues to massacre anyone who opposes its expansionist aims, its colonial occupation of Palestinian territory and its apartheid regime.

In recent days, it has launched a criminal attack targeting Hezbollah civilians and militias.

In a purely terrorist act, Mossad detonated thousands of electronic devices for personal use, killing more than 40 people, including many civilians, and injuring thousands in Lebanon and Syria.

The massacre in Gaza doesn’t come to an end. But the Zionist state is still not satisfied with this bloodshed. After having slaughtered tens of thousands of Gaza citizens, especially women and children, destroyed hospitals and schools, and starved to death the population, it now turns its criminal gaze northward.

While the fighting goes on in the West Bank, where young Palestinian resistents fall under the blows of IDF army and Palestinian farmers are attacked by armed Zionist colonial settler squads, entire divisions are being moved to the northern border with Lebanon.

Preparation for the plan to invade Lebanon and attack Hezbollah is underway. This latter has been shooting rockets to hit Israeli territory on the border with Lebanon for months, with the declared aim of forcing Israel to stop the massacre in Gaza.

The PCL (Communist Workers Party) denounces the latest heinous crime of the Zionist state, and supports all forms of resistance by the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, while having no confidence in its political leaderships. In the same way, we unconditionally support the resistance of the Lebanese people against Israeli aggression, while having the utmost distrust of Hezbollah.

All the actions of the Zionist state are portraying its criminal nature, which enjoys international impunity because of the protection afforded it by the US and other western imperialist powers.

The Zionist state is an endless breeding ground for war, and only its destruction by revolutionary means can lead to the liberation of the Palestinian and Arab people and peace in the Middle East.

But the liberation of the Palestinian and Arab people can only be ensured in a secular and socialist free Palestine that guarantees full rights to all minorities.

However, to build a socialist Palestine is impossible in a state of international isolation. It can only be achieved within the framework of a Middle East socialist federation, the only possible framework to resolving all national issues in that area, from the Arab to the Kurdish.

The PCL (Communist Workers Party) will bring these slogans to the big rally in Rome on 5 October in support of the Palestinian people.

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