Motion on the great jobs massacre
A version of this motion has been passed by Lambeth Unison branch. We are now contacting the other union branches, Acorn and the Renters Union, and Labour Party branches to ask them to join in.
Red Flag supporters are also taking the motion to other union and Labour Party branches. We encourage readers to submit it to their labour movement bodies and contact Red Flag to report on the outcome.
This branch/CLP notes:
- That the number of claimants for work-related Universal Credit has more than doubled since March. The ONS estimates that there are 3.4 million people actively seeking work.
- That a large proportion of the 9.4 million furloughed workers will not return to work after October.
- That this will affect those who keep their jobs as well as the bosses attack our pay, hours, workloads and contractual rights.
This branch/CLP believes
- That unemployment is a product of the capitalist system, which can only produce for profit, leaving millions idle while we need hospitals, schools, houses and a green new deal
- That the trade unions, Labour Party branches/CLPs and Labour councils have a duty to provide resources, including premises, for the unemployed to self-organise in the fight for jobs and decent benefits.
This branch/CLP resolves
- To build for and organise a rally in the town centre in October to raise the issue of unemployment and the demands for no job cuts, jobs for all and Universal Credit set at the level of the minimum wage and paid from day one
- To invite other local labour movement and community organisations to co-sponsor the rally
- At the same time to ask them to a meeting to discuss setting up an unemployed workers centre, how to give solidarity and support to defend every job and how we can help the unemployed to organise autonomously
- To launch a petition to the council, calling for:
- no local authority job cuts
- resources, including premises, for the unemployed
- them to campaign for the government to provide jobs for all.
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