
General's mutiny threat must be taken seriously

Scarcely a week after Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party, the Sunday Times published a statement by an anonymous serving general threatening that the army high command would prevent a Corbyn-led Labour government carrying out its programme. The threat was made in response to Corbyn’s high profile opposition to Nato and Trident and plans […]

Workers Power  ·  26 September 2015

Jeremy Corbyn’s programme – a revolutionary socialist assessment

By Dave Stockton 15 September 2015 Jeremy Corbyn’s programme for a future Labour government contrasts dramatically with the austerity-lite policies that lost Ed Miliband and Ed Balls the general election. They are miles more radical and coherent than the mish mash offered up by Jeremy’s  rival candidates in the Labour leadership election. In their own […]

Workers Power  ·  15 September 2015

Why we need to organise to defeat the anti-union laws

By Bernie McAdam 14 September 2015 Britain’s anti union laws are already the most repressive in the European Union. Thanks to the new Tory Trade Union Bill, they are now set to get much worse. Liberty, Amnesty International and the British Institute of Human Rights are the latest organisations to condemn the Bill as ‘a […]

Workers Power  ·  14 September 2015

Syriza split creates Popular Unity

By Dave Stockton 14 September 2015 When Syriza’s Alexis Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister, on August 20, he triggered a new general election, which will take place on 20 September. This enabled him as Leader to choose the entire electoral list of his party. He made it clear that he would not include the 32 […]

Workers Power  ·  14 September 2015

No refuge for Cameron in asylum crisis

By Jeremy Dewar 13 September 2015 Over 100,000 people marched through the streets of London on Saturday 12 September under the slogan, “Refugees Welcome Here”. It was the biggest pro-migrant demonstration we have seen for many years. Not only did the crowd cheer every point that brand new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn say, but it […]

Workers Power  ·  13 September 2015

No more deaths – welcome refugees now

3 September 2015 The drowned body of three year old Aylan Kurdi washed up on a beach near Bodrum, Turkey on Wednesday 2nd. The photograph has concentrated the minds of millions on the catastrophe unfolding on Europe’s Mediterranean shore. Aylan drowned along with his five year old brother Galip, his mother Rehan and nine other […]

Workers Power  ·  03 September 2015

Revolution and counter-revolution in Syria

By Marcus Halaby and Sam Copley 11 August 2015 A large part of the Western left and radical media have written off the struggle against the totalitarian Assad regime in Syria as irretrievably lost. Effectively, for them, the counterrevolution has triumphed. And alongside them, there are also those who never supported the revolutionary uprising against […]

Workers Power  ·  11 August 2015

Planet without a visa

By Jeremy Dewar 12 August 2015 There are more refugees in the world today than ever before. This year’s Global Trends Report, published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), puts the figure at 59.5 million people at the end of 2014, a record 11 million up on the 2013 figure and over […]

Workers Power  ·  11 August 2015

Corbyn in Camden: a new movement is born

By Jeremy Dewar On Monday 3 August the Jeremy Corby campaign came to London. After drawing crowds of 1,500 in Liverpool, 1,000 in Birmingham and hundreds upon hundreds in Luton, Coventry and elsewhere, it could not have surprised anyone that 2,500 turned out to see him in the Camden Centre. In fact the crowd was […]

Workers Power  ·  06 August 2015

Do Black lives matter in the USA?

By Marcus Otono 6 August 2015 The slaughter of six Black women and three men by 21 year-old Dylann Roof at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on 17 June was an act of terrorism motivated by race hate. The reluctance of media and politicians to use the T word, that otherwise they use so […]

Workers Power  ·  06 August 2015

Calais crisis: the English Channel is becoming a river of blood

By KD Tait 30 July, 2015 On Tuesday night a young Sudanese man was crushed to death by a lorry. Nine people have been killed trying to cross the channel this month. What kind of desperation would convince you to leap onto the back of a moving lorry? What kind of existence leaves you no […]

Workers Power  ·  30 July 2015

Class consciousness, class struggle and Jeremy Corbyn

By KD Tait 29 July, 2015 Yvette Cooper has said victory for Jeremy Corbyn would turn Labour into “a protest movement” rather than a party that was serious about winning the next general election. In fact, victory for establishment Labour candidates like Cooper or Andy Burnham would signal the party’s intention to stand aside from […]

Workers Power  ·  29 July 2015

Free journalist Stephen Kaczynski

FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION! On the 2nd April, members of the Turkish police and Army raided the İdil Culture Centre (İdil Kültür Merkezi) in Istanbul.  They arrested members of the popular musical group Grup Yorum and UK national and journalist Stephen Shaw Kaczynski. On that very weekend an anti-imperialist conference against prison isolation was going […]

Workers Power  ·  25 July 2015

The murder of Jean Charles de Menezes: 10 years on

by KD Tait, 22 July 2015 Note: An edited version of this article was first published on the Left Unity website On 22 July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead by anti-terrorist police in a tube carriage at Stockwell underground station. The operation was carried out two weeks after the 7/7 bombings as […]

Workers Power  ·  22 July 2015

Tory anti-union attack – organise to kill the bill

July 15 witnessed the first reading of the Tories’ new anti-union bill – effectively a series of amendments to the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act (1992). The Trade Union Bill aims to make what Tony Blair once called “the most draconian anti-union laws in Europe”, harsher still. David Cameron’s “slip of the tongue,” […]

Workers Power  ·  16 July 2015

Delayed Corbyn demands rail nationalisation at Yorkshire hustings

By Andy Yorke 12 July 2015 Hundreds of Labour party members and supporters, mostly thirty or older but a decent number of young people,  piled into the Yorkshire regional Labour leadership hustings at Elland Road.  There was an hour for Labour leader candidates – all of whom were present, with Jeremy Corbyn arriving just as […]

Workers Power  ·  15 July 2015

Greece: meet unconditional surrender with unconditional resistance

By KD Tait Monday 13 July After a 17 hour final session in Brussels, Germany’s “Iron Chancellor”, Angela Merkel, and her finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble finally accepted the complete capitulation of Alexis Tsipras. Their terms reduce Greece to a virtual colony of the imperialist powers that dominate the Eurozone, supreme amongst them Germany. If this […]

Workers Power  ·  14 July 2015

China: free market not going according to plan

By Peter Main 7 July, 2015 The volatility of the Chinese stock markets in the last week is symptomatic of the problems facing President Xi Jinping’s economic strategy. Between June 12 and July 8, the Shanghai market dropped by 28 percent, wiping some $3.5 trillion off the value of shares and forcing the government to […]

Workers Power  ·  13 July 2015

Syriza surrenders – without a fight

By KD Tait 11 July 2015 Alexis Tsipras and the leadership of Syriza have betrayed the mandate given to them twice by the Greek people. Scarcely a week after 61 per cent of voters said Oxi!-No! they have presented a nearly identical proposal to the parliament in Athens, which has voted by 250 votes to 32 to […]

Workers Power  ·  12 July 2015


Monday 6 July, 2015 By KD Tait   No to blackmail. No to humiliation. No to austerity. The determination of the Greek workers and youth to end austerity has been expressed in a defiant rejection of the Troika’s ultimatum. Today, Syriza has an overwhelming second mandate to carry out its promise to break with austerity, […]

Workers Power  ·  06 July 2015

Greece: oxi means no – reject EU ultimatum and fight for workers’ power

29 June, 2015 All eyes are on Greece as its citizens prepare to vote in a referendum on the Troika austerity ‘offer’ that will dramatically shape the course of the wider European resistance to austerity. The consequences of rejection – No – should not be underestimated and cannot be entirely predicted. Nevertheless it is right […]

Workers Power  ·  29 June 2015

Vote Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader

28 June, 2015 Against the odds, the socialist MP Jeremy Corbyn has made it onto the ballot for the Labour leadership election, transforming overnight a tepid debate between shades of Blairism into a struggle over Labour’s record and role in the labour movement and struggle against austerity. Corbyn’s campaign is a good thing for the […]

Workers Power  ·  28 June 2015

An anti-imperialist movement is the answer to Islamist terrorism

Political Committee, 28 June 2015 Workers Power condemns the 26 June terrorist attack by gunmen claiming allegiance to Daesh (Isis), which resulted in the deaths of at least 37 holidaymakers in the vacation resort of Sousse in Tunisia, many of whom appear to be British. Nothing can justify such attacks, as also was the case […]

Workers Power  ·  28 June 2015

The UK EU Referendum – Vote Yes and fight for a socialist united states of Europe

Political Committee, 21 June 2015 1. Britain will hold a referendum on whether to stay in or leave the European Union by the end of 2017.  For revolutionary socialists the task of the day is to create a campaign of effective opposition to the racist and chauvinist No campaigners but equally to the pro-capitalist/neoliberal Yes […]

Workers Power  ·  21 June 2015

What's the point of the Radical Assembly?

By Jeremy Dewar 15 June, 2015 The third Radical Left Assembly met on Sunday 14 June in Peckham where it adopted a set of ‘principles’ and constituted itself as the Radical Assembly, based on regional constituent groups who send delegates to a meeting that will organise regular assemblies. While the organisers’ enthusiasm and commitment to […]

Workers Power  ·  15 June 2015

Turkey: vote HDP on June 7 then build a revolutionary party

By Svenja Zhenot 5 June 2015 Turkey’s Parliamentary elections on June 7 will take place against a background of sharpening political crisis in the region. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP (Justice and Development Party) has been in power since 2002, maintaining its stronghold over Turkish politics with their brand of conservative Islamist and neoliberal policies. […]

Workers Power  ·  05 June 2015

Workers Power No. 384 June 2015

The June 2015 issue of Workers Power Review is out now. [scribd-url pubid=”24852238179500127593153362″ url=”” ]

Workers Power  ·  03 June 2015

Tory anti-strike law aims to break the unions

By Jeremy Dewar 28 May 2015 Tory Business Secretary Sajid Javid’s anti-democratic measures to restrict strikes and legalise scabbing have the aim of breaking resistance to austerity. As TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady warned, they want to “make legal strikes close to impossible”. The new law’s aim is to weaken the trade unions ability to […]

Workers Power  ·  28 May 2015

We need to talk about Labour

By KD Tait 21 May 2015 The biggest, most far reaching question posed by the Tories’ election victory is what will now happen to the Labour Party. Even before all the results were in, the pundits, and its own right wing leaders, were blaming Labour’s defeat on its continued links to the trades unions. Yet, […]

Workers Power  ·  21 May 2015

Constitutional crisis – Cameron’s opportunity

By KD Tait 20 May 2015 From an early EU referendum to scrapping the Human Rights Act, from devolving powers to Scotland through to English votes on English laws, the new Tory government has constitutional change firmly in its sights. Their aim will be to see off the hardline Eurosceptics whilst using devolution to decentralise […]

Workers Power  ·  20 May 2015

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