As unemployment approaches 1.5 million, we need a programme to force trade union leaders to fight -- or act without them.
Our first perspectives document, setting out the fundamental political basis of our tendency: orientation to the working class, internationalism, the united front and application of a revolutionary programme.
With important elements of dual power established across the country, the next weeks and months will be decisive for the outcome of the Portuguese revolution.
Where is the National Abortion Campaign going?
The war in the Six Counties is a war between British imperialism and the Irish people. But this fact is still not clear to many on the British left.
The Labour government's Incomes Policy is designed to lower workers' living standards, and protect the bosses' profits
A balance sheet of the last decade must be the first step in the production of a revolutionary programme that can break with nationalism, economism and sectarianism.
A statement from Workers Power, the former Left Faction of the International Socialists issued to IS members shortly after our expulsion.