
May 1937: When Spanish workers rose up to defend their revolution

In the first week of May, 85 years ago, the tragic end to the Spanish revolution played out on the streets of Barcelona.

Chris Clough  ·  30 April 2022

The Young Communist League and the rehabilitation of Joseph Stalin

Amid growing tensions between the CPB and the YCL, Tim Nailsea explains the nature of Stalinist politics.

Tim Nailsea  ·  20 November 2021

From Allende to Corbyn: lessons in reformism 1970-2020

Lessons from the parliamentary road.

Tim Nailsea  ·  11 September 2020

Hong Kong: “Occupy 2.0” forces government retreat, for now

On Sunday, 1 million people marched in protest against a proposed new law which will allow Beijing to extradite anyone from the territory of Hong Kong.

Workers Power  ·  14 June 2019

Prague 1968: Revolution and counter-revolution

By Dave Stockton THE YEAR 1968 was one of history’s “mad years” like 1848, 1917-18, 1989 and, most recently, 2011. It was a time when the eruption of revolts in one country quickly stimulated upheavals in others. The spread of international revolutionary upheavals seemed to offer the prospect of a dramatic thawing of the permafrost […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2018

Cuba: in from the cold or into the fire?

6 February 2015 As the US moves to ‘normalise’ relations with Cuba, Jeremy Dewar asks is this the end of the Cuban road to socialism? “These 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. It’s time for a new approach.” With these words President Barack Obama announced on 17 December the first softening towards […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2015

The Arab Left: Paying the price for Stalinism

The Arab Spring of 2011 inspired millions around the world through its acts of heroism. But now the revolutions have stalled. In the spirit of solidarity with these movements and communist internationalism, Marcus Halaby takes a critical look at the far left in these countries and Syria in particular   One of the most noticeable […]

Workers Power  ·  12 May 2012

Twenty years since the death of the USSR

Dave Stockton looks back at the aborted coup in the USSR and the counter-coup by Boris Yeltsin

Workers Power  ·  31 August 2011

Did Lenin lead to Stalin?

The bosses argue Lenin lead to Stalin. This article shows how Lenin opposed Stalin and the rise of the Soviet bureaucracy.

Rob Schofield  ·  01 February 2000

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