Local government

Bankrupt Britain: how councils go bust

Bankruptcy proceedings filed up and down the country by local councils are the legacy of 14 years of Tory war on public services.

Workers Power  ·  22 April 2024

Local government: vote yes and organise to strike!

Over half a million council and school employees are currently balloting for strike action to win a real pay rise. If successful, this would be the biggest strike yet in the wave of action over the cost of living crisis. But the task is huge.

Workers Power  ·  04 June 2023

The limits of municipal socialism: A review of Radical Lambeth by Simon Hannah

Dave Stocking Radical Lambeth: 1978-1991 by Simon Hannah

Dave Stockton  ·  05 September 2022

We need to coordinate public sector pay ballots

By Rebecca Anderson THERE IS a real opportunity for coordinated strike action between two of Britain’s largest workforces: council workers, including school support staff, and hospital employees. If successful, it could bust the public sector pay freeze and build momentum in private sector struggles for substantial pay rises. Local government and school staff have been […]

Rebecca Anderson  ·  27 October 2021

The end of the eviction ban threatens many thousands with homelessness

170,000 private tenants have been threatened with eviction.

George Banks  ·  02 September 2020

Tower Hamlets Labour declares war on council workers

The Unison branch at Tower Hamlets Council organised a solid three day strike against the unilateral mass sacking of the entire work force.

Simon Hannah  ·  09 July 2020

Defrosting Unison

By Jeremy Dewar LOCAL GOVERNMENT officers, health workers and school support staff will gather in Brighton in mid-June ostensibly to discuss and debate the way forward for Unison, the principle public sector union. In reality it will be a frustrating week, listening to endless and highly inappropriate self-congratulation from the top table. Motions or amendments […]

Workers Power  ·  15 June 2018

Local Government: Union leaders prepare fresh capitulation

By Jeremy Dewar, Unison rep, pc Another year, another pay cut. Or so it seems. As we go to press, Britain’s biggest local government union, Unison, is about to close its second consultative ballot (we didn’t give the right answer first time) on the employers’ 2018-19 pay offer. The offer is atrocious: a real pay […]

Workers Power  ·  02 April 2018

Local government: reject the pay offer – fight for five per cent!

By a Unison schools convenor There are 1.3 million local government and school support workers – 78 per cent of them women. We are the housing officers, youth workers, social workers, teaching assistants, caterers and cleaners that keep hard-up families together and services running. Austerity budgets, year after year, have wiped out over 700,000 jobs […]

Workers Power  ·  01 March 2018

Organise the Left for London council campaigns

WITH COUNCIL elections looming in London, the Tory press is full of increasingly worried articles about a Labour landslide. Pollsters are predicting a big increase in Labour votes, Labour councillors and even the possible capture of Tory strongholds like Wandsworth (Thatcher’s favourite council in the 1980s) and Barnet. As Sadiq Khan recently said at the […]

Workers Power  ·  01 February 2018

Birmingham bin strike: class solidarity trumps party unity

By Bernie McAdam AFTER SEVEN weeks of strike action and an apparent agreement with council chiefs, it seemed sense had prevailed; Birmingham’s Grade Three bin workers would not be sacked and a suspended union rep would be reinstated. Instead the Labour run council has completely gone back on its word and issued redundancy notices to […]

Workers Power  ·  06 September 2017

Labour needs to fight back against council cuts

THE MOVEMENT that twice elected Jeremy Corbyn to Labour leader is defined by its opposition to austerity. But local government cuts mean Labour councils in many of the party’s heartlands have spent six years as the face of brutal cuts to the social fabric of our communities. Unless it is overcome, this contradiction will torpedo […]

KD Tait  ·  07 November 2016

Lambeth resistance grows 

By Simon Hardy The movement emerging in Lambeth could act as a model for everyone fighting council cuts across the country Strikes, occupations, thousands of people marching against cuts – Lambeth is currently the site of some very energetic resistance to austerity Britain. Housing, libraries, local jobs, government accountability, anti-gentrification and now the new multi […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Save Lambeth Libraries protest is a reality check for Labour councils

By KD Tait The campaign to defend Lambeth’s 10 public libraries from the Labour council’s closure and outsourcing plans saw more than 2,000 people march through Brixton in one of the biggest local demonstrations in years. Residents, librarians and Friends of Lambeth libraries assembled at the Carnegie library to congratulate the occupiers who walked out […]

Workers Power  ·  17 April 2016

South London campaigners step up housing fight

Saturday saw more than one thousand council tenants and activists march against the Housing Bill and the demolition of the Aylesbury estate in Southwark. We took our protest to Downing Street, as the Bill is debated in the House of Lords. Gathering outside the Imperial War Museum in Kennington, the rally heard speeches from local […]

Workers Power  ·  01 February 2016

Motion: Labour councils should oppose local government cuts

A motion committing Labour branches to opposing local government budget cuts

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Local government cuts: 5 key facts

£11.3 billion will be cut from total central government grants to councils by 2016 From 2010-2015 council budgets were cut by 40 per cent. In 2015 George Osborne announced a further 30 per cent cut 75 per cent of local government workers are women, meaning cuts will affect those already discriminated against in the job […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Letter from Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Jon Trickett to Labour council leaders

Key extracts from the 17 December letter from Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Jon Trickett to Labour council leaders To the Leaders of Labour Councils Dear Colleague, We are writing to you as Leader of the Party, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Shadow Chancellor. Today the government has announced the […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

How can Labour activists defend local services?

A local government worker responds to Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell’s recent letter setting out their policy in relation to Labour councils implementing Tory austerity OVER the coming month, councils across the UK will be setting budgets for the coming year. They will include savage cuts, with the most vulnerable (women, children, the elderly and […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Labour councils are implementing Tory austerity

BRANCHES & CLPs Across the country local Labour councils are implementing Tory austerity in the face of resistance from workers, youth and unemployed – and increasingly from local Labour parties. The Labour leadership’s decision to launch a national campaign against central government cuts to local authorities is welcome – and long overdue. We hope that Labour […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Labour wins local support – now make them fight the cuts

Joy Macready takes stock of the results ot the local council elections and asks where now for Labour?   Thursday 3 May proved to be a red-letter day for Labour. The local elections saw a mass turn to Labour, despite its lack of strategy to oppose austerity. This was clearly a protest vote against the […]

Workers Power  ·  12 May 2012

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