
Hezbollah and Iran: the Palestinians’ reluctant friends

By Jeremy Dewar On 27 September Israel dropped 10 US made and supplied two-tonne ‘bunker buster’ bombs on Dahyeh, a suburb in southern Beirut and home to 700,000 civilians, killing 300, including Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah and the group’s southern commander Ali Karki. This follows Israel’s attack on Hezbollah’s communications systems by blowing up its […]

Workers Power  ·  01 October 2024

Israel: A rogue state runs amok

Six months into the war in Gaza, Israel continues to commit genocide against the Palestinians and aggression against its neighbours with impunity.

Workers Power  ·  22 April 2024

Crackdown in Iran as hardliners consolidate power

By Tim Nailsea IN THE wake of the massive repression which has, for the time being at least, suppressed the mass protest movement, following the murder of Mahsa Amini by Iran’s ‘morality police’. The UK and the European Union are taking measures to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) a ‘terrorist organisation’. The IRGC […]

Tim Nailsea  ·  07 February 2023

Iran: workers join protests

By Dave Stockton PROTESTS FOLLOWING the murder of 22 year-old Jina Mahsa Amini have developed into the most serious challenge to the Iranian dicatorship in four decades. Women have taken the lead in daily demonstrations and have been joined by students in the country’s universities and schools, and, crucially, workers taking mass political strike action. […]

Dave Stockton  ·  01 November 2022

Iran: strikes key to breaking Ayatollahs’ dictatorship

Women are defying repression and murder to demand the fall of the Iranian dictatorship

Workers Power  ·  24 September 2022

Iranians step up anti-government protests despite bloody crackdown

Rebuilding a mass antiwar movement to end sanctions and withdraw Nato troops from the Middle East is the best way to help the Iranian people's struggle for self-determination

Workers Power  ·  20 January 2020

Hands off Iran: US/Nato out of the Middle East!

THE JANUARY 3 drone strike on Baghdad Airport that killed Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, and responsible for Iran’s operations in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, along with nine figures from the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces is a heavy blow for the Islamic Republic. It is an act of […]

Dave Stockton  ·  15 January 2020

Hands off Iran! Stop US attacks!

League for the Fifth International The assassination of Iran’s General Qassem Suleimani in Baghdad at the command of US President Donald Trump has opened a dangerous new chapter for the Middle East. As head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds force, and strategic architect of Iran’s ever-growing network of international militias, allies and assets, Suleimani was […]

Workers Power  ·  06 January 2020

End the blockade of Iran

On June 13, two tankers, the Japanese owned Kokuka Courageous and the Norwegian-owned Front Altair, were struck by explosions while sailing through the Gulf of Oman, close to the coast of Iran. The incident comes after attacks in May on two Saudi tankers, an Emirati vessel and a Norwegian tanker.

Workers Power  ·  09 July 2019

Solidarity with the movement in Iran! No to imperialist interference!

Resistance is not futile.

Workers Power  ·  09 January 2018

Why won’t Labour show solidarity with Iran protests?

The Labour leadership's 'caution' is a cover for ducking its duty of solidarity and giving the Iran regime the benefit of the doubt

Workers Power  ·  08 January 2018

Syria: Legitimacy and Division

As the rival imperialist powers manoeuvre to gain an advantage from the mass uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship, Marcus Halaby examines the regime’s strategy and tactics as it struggles, if not for outright victory, then at least to cling on to some vestiges of its power. One of the historic claims to legitimacy of Ba’athism, […]

Workers Power  ·  14 August 2012

The Arab Left: Paying the price for Stalinism

The Arab Spring of 2011 inspired millions around the world through its acts of heroism. But now the revolutions have stalled. In the spirit of solidarity with these movements and communist internationalism, Marcus Halaby takes a critical look at the far left in these countries and Syria in particular   One of the most noticeable […]

Workers Power  ·  12 May 2012

No to sanctions – hands off Iran!

The growing chorus from world leaders demanding action against Iran threatens another war in the Middle East. Martin Suchanek examines what is behind the latest international manoeuvers and states the case against sanctions

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

US threatens war against Iran

With the publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency report on the Iranian nuclear programme this week, it is no surprise we are seeing images of Israeli soldiers preparing for nuclear attacks. Warfare rhetoric is already in place, political commentators are prepared for their interviews and the question that will be replayed across the media […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

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