Communist Party of Britain

The Young Communist League and the rehabilitation of Joseph Stalin

Amid growing tensions between the CPB and the YCL, Tim Nailsea explains the nature of Stalinist politics.

Tim Nailsea  ·  20 November 2021

The Communist Party of Britain’s reformist road to socialism

Tim Nailsea reviews the 2020 edition of Britain's Road to Socialism

Tim Nailsea  ·  30 November 2020

People's Assembly: one step forward, two steps back

THE PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY against Austerity succeeded in attracting large and enthusiastic crowds to Westminster Central Hall on 22 June. Those attending an event like this, especially those doing so for the first time, will have been inspired by the speeches of campaigners from a wide variety of fronts of resistance exposing the savagery of the […]

Workers Power  ·  18 July 2013

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