
Brexit and Britain’s political crisis

The period since the 2015 general election has been a roller coaster ride for Britain’s political parties, with all of them forced to ditch their incumbent leaders at one point or another.

Workers Power  ·  11 April 2017

Lexit: The mirage of ‘Class Struggle in One Country’

  “Triggering Article 50 opens the way to progressive policies outside the EU to control capital, raise public funds for infrastructure investment, enforce equal rights for migrant workers and radically cut or abolish VAT.” That is how Robert Griffiths, general secretary of the Communist Party of Britain, hailed the signing of Article 50 in the […]

Workers Power  ·  05 April 2017

May triggers Article 50

   FREEDOM screams the hate Mail. The blinding Sun, “beams this message from our iconic White Cliffs to our neighbours. DOVER AND OUT”. The Telegraph roars JUBILATION. But nearly half the population in Britain as a whole, and clear majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland, are far from jubilant. On Saturday, March 23, 50,000 according […]

Workers Power  ·  31 March 2017

Ireland: hard Brexit, hard border

Brexit will have enormous political and economic ramifications on both Northern Ireland and the Republic. Since the EU referendum, for example, Irish food and drink exports to the UK have fallen by €570 million, according to the Republic of Ireland’s Bord Bia. Food and drink account for 41% of Ireland’s exports to the UK, while […]

Bernie McAdam  ·  07 February 2017

Vote against Article 50

JEREMY CORBYN has imposed a three-line whip on Labour MPs to vote for Theresa May’s Bill to start the Brexit process. We believe this is a seriously wrong position. Leaving the European Union will be as disastrous for the working class, here, in Europe and around the world, as it was when Labour opposed it […]

Workers Power  ·  07 February 2017

Brexit and Trump are two sides of the same coin

THERESA MAY’S visit to Washington has turned into a major embarrassment. Her “partnership” with Donald Trump which meant she refused to condemn his ‘Muslim Ban’ has sparked a wave of enormous demonstrations across the UK. May’s pathetic boasts about the “special relationship” between British and US imperialism are a stale ritual for UK prime ministers. […]

Workers Power  ·  07 February 2017

Attacks on immigration won’t help Labour

JEREMY CORBYN told the Labour Party Conference, “It isn’t migrants that drive down wages, it’s exploitative employers and the politicians who deregulate the labour market and rip up trade union rights. It isn’t migrants who put a strain on our NHS; it only keeps going because of the migrant nurses and doctors who come here […]

Rebecca Anderson  ·  07 November 2016

The bitter fruit of Brexit

THE FIRST of the reactionary consequences of Brexit is the major boost it has given to racist attacks on people perceived to be migrants. The effect was immediate. In the first four days following the 24 June announcement, True Vision, a police-funded website, reported a 57 per cent increase in reported hate incidents month on […]

Dave Stockton  ·  20 September 2016

Brexit: a setback for the working class

By Richard Brenner The narrow majority in the British referendum for leaving the European Union is a severe setback for the progressive, socialist and labour movements in Britain and across Europe. First and foremost, this is a blow to the political awareness and class consciousness of millions of British workers, especially in the former industrial […]

Workers Power  ·  30 June 2016

Reconsider Lexit

The death of Jo Cox shows it’s time for Lexit supporters to reconsider the implications of supporting a vote that will intensify the trend of racist rhetoric and violence The so-called “Left Leave” or “Lexit” campaign claims that the mainstream Leave and Remain campaigns are equally racist and equally responsible for fomenting anti-migrant racism. This […]

Workers Power  ·  21 June 2016

Fight for a Socialist United States of Europe

The “Referendum campaign” has been dominated by the public rows between the two wings of the Tory Party. But there are also those on the left advocating exit. This article makes the case for socialist internationalism By Dave Stockton The divisions amongst the Tories are rooted in the different interests of different sections of British capital, […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Vote to Remain on 23 June

Fight austerity alongside European workers For a socialist united states of Europe Editorial If you want to fight back against austerity, then vote to remain in the EU and help link up with mass movements in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece that have fought back against the bankers and the billionaires. At a time […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

The Socialist Workers Party and the EU referendum

By Dave Stockton The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) recently launched its campaign for Brexit with a long article by Alex Callinicos, The internationalist case against the European Union, and a pamphlet by Joseph Choonara, The EU: a left case for exit. If you want to know all the facts to prove that the EU is […]

Workers Power  ·  17 April 2016

Left nationalists see Brexit as road to Indy 2

THE nationalist left outside the SNP are campaigning for another independence referendum as soon as possible, but the SNP has said it will not call another one unless it is 100 per cent sure of winning. However, Nicola Sturgeon has indicated that if Britain votes to leave the European Union in the June referendum and […]

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2016

What’s at stake in the EU referendum?

DAVID CAMERON returned from the European Summit in Brussels in February with a deal he claimed would ensure Britain’s continued membership of the European Union. He speedily announced a date for the referendum on 23 June. The wording of the referendum is: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?” It contains […]

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2016

EU referendum – The Workers’ Answer

No to racism & xenophobia Defend workers’ rights Vote to ‘Remain in the EU’ ‘National independence’ is a retreat from class unity and internationalism THEY’RE OFF. The EU referendum and May elections have triggered a storm of propaganda that will fill the tabloids and news bulletins with an unparalleled torrent of racist lies and distortions, as the […]

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2016

Briefing: EU referendum

THE referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union, EU, is now likely to take place no later than the Autumn. David Cameron was forced to promise a referendum in his election manifesto under pressure from UKIP. Now he wants to get it out of the way as quickly as possible because he knows a […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Socialists and the European Union

“ELECTIONS change nothing,” said Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister. He was responding to the election of Syriza in January. Syriza owed their victory to their pledge to put a stop to austerity which had inflicted five years of grinding poverty on Greece. Six months later Schäuble was triumphant; Syriza’s leader Alexis Tsipras capitulated in the […]

Workers Power  ·  08 November 2015

Portugal – Victory for Left Bloc

IN PORTUGAL’S recent elections, the people voted to chuck out a European Union backed pro-austerity government. The governing coalition between the liberal Portuguese Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the conservative People’s Party (CDS-PP) won only 102 seats out of 230. By contrast, the anti-austerity left did well. The Socialist Party (PS) won 32.3 per cent […]

Workers Power  ·  08 November 2015

The UK EU Referendum – Vote Yes and fight for a socialist united states of Europe

Political Committee, 21 June 2015 1. Britain will hold a referendum on whether to stay in or leave the European Union by the end of 2017.  For revolutionary socialists the task of the day is to create a campaign of effective opposition to the racist and chauvinist No campaigners but equally to the pro-capitalist/neoliberal Yes […]

Workers Power  ·  21 June 2015

Constitutional crisis – Cameron’s opportunity

By KD Tait 20 May 2015 From an early EU referendum to scrapping the Human Rights Act, from devolving powers to Scotland through to English votes on English laws, the new Tory government has constitutional change firmly in its sights. Their aim will be to see off the hardline Eurosceptics whilst using devolution to decentralise […]

Workers Power  ·  20 May 2015

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