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Joana Ramiro: Palestine is key to the Arab revolutions

27 September 2011

Joana Ramiro will be speaking at Anticapitalism 2011 on the struggle for the liberation of Palestine
The story of the Palestinian struggle is written in blood in the history books. From the British Mandate to the Zionist State, Palestine is a land that was never its own, a people who still suffer national oppression to this day.
For revolutionaries it is important to understand that Palestine is one of the most important struggles of the 20th and now the 21st centuries. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a direct repercussion of British Imperialism and American foreign policies, but also a prime example of the international consequences of capitalism and its bourgeois politics, as a whole.
Now, in the context of the Arab revolutions, it is even more important to put Palestine front and centre in the fight for freedom.
The debate being held at the United Nations on the recognition of the West Bank and Gaza territories as an independent Palestinian state puts resistance to Zionism back on the international agenda. But statehood recognition won’t be enough to bring peace to the region; neither will endless talks which get the Palestinians nowhere.
There has been talk amongst young Palestinians of a new intifada, this is something which has to be taken seriously, and internationally we have to discuss how we can provide solidarity for their struggle.
At Anticapitalism 2011 I will be leading a discussion on the Palestinian fight for self-determination and justice, on the debate over one state versus two state solution, the influence of the Arab Spring in the region and the UN debate on Palestinian recognition.
Workers Power has always campaigned for freedom for the Palestinians and against Zionism and imperialism.

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