
Leeds uni students demand ‘war criminal off campus’

Students have occupied Leeds university to demand its implement the boycott of Israel.

Workers Power  ·  10 March 2024

London school students walk out over rape and harassment

Highgate students walked out on 25 March.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 April 2021

Students strike against university management

Manchester students have occupied a university building.

Joe Crathorne  ·  12 November 2020

Imperialism in the classroom: decolonise the curriculum

Tories ban anti-capitalist materials from the classroom.

Dara O'Cogaidhin  ·  05 October 2020

Locked-down students betrayed by uni bosses: #RentStrike now!

Government mismanagement and landlord profiteering has left students locked up in highly expensive accommodation which is rapidly becoming an incubator for the virus.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  02 October 2020

Unite and fight for jobs and education

Students must organise solidarity with workers struggles.

Mel Astbury  ·  07 September 2020

School closures: skeleton service or community organisation?

The vulnerable will suffer most in any social – and economic – lockdown. We must insist schools apply a broad definition to the terms of which students and families are ‘vulnerable’ based on need, not the dictates of an uncaring, neoliberal government seeking to protect business over workers and the poor.

A Unison Steward  ·  21 March 2020

London Young Labour conference: not fit for purpose

Despite the youthfulness of the movement that brought Corbyn to power, it was years before Corbynites made serious inroads into Labour’s bureaucratic and virtually moribund youth organisations, which had been exploited for decades as merely a conveyor belt between universities and the party apparatus.

Urte March  ·  06 September 2019

Youth strike for climate action

In February tens of thousands of young people showed the way forward in the fight against climate change by walking out of their schools and protesting.

Workers Power  ·  22 March 2019

Thousands join Youth Strike 4 Climate

School students lead the way in the fight for system change not climate change

Workers Power  ·  16 February 2019

French youth raise barricades against racism

  By KD Tait In October, thousands of French school and college students blockaded schools and took to the streets to protest the deportation of 15-year-old student Léonarda Dibrani.   Dibrani, a young Roma woman, was dragged off her school bus and deported to Kosovo on 9 October. One week later, Armenian student Khatchik Kachatryan […]

Workers Power  ·  06 November 2013

Building a revolutionary youth organisation in Britain

  By KD Tait The Revolutionary Socialists, formed around a core of former Socialist Worker Student Societies (SWSS) groups, have hit the ground running with successful interventions during Freshers’ Fairs at universities in Leicester, Leeds, Liverpool, London and Sheffield. With meetings of up to 50 students, three local zines launched, and a large presence on […]

Workers Power  ·  09 October 2013

Sri Lanka: release student leaders!

  Statement of the Socialist Party of Sri Lanka, section of the League for the Fifth International Two student leaders, Sanjeewa Bandara, Convenor of the Inter University Student Federation, IUSF, and Kimbullawe Chandrananda, Convenor of the Inter University Bhikku Federation, IUBF, have been detained by police in the capital, Colombo. Both were arrested on grounds […]

Workers Power  ·  18 July 2013

Young people in the forefront of the struggle

By KD Tait Across the world young people are in the forefront of mass movements for democracy and human rights and against the exploitation and oppression of a system which enriches the 1% at the expense of the 99%. From the teenage women stitching Nike shoes for poverty wages in China to the radical school […]

KD Tait  ·  14 May 2013

Students – reorganise, refocus, resist

  2012 was a year to forget for the Tories. It was, in the main, a year to forget for student activists as well, writes K D Tait. The first year of £9,000 fees saw a 10 per cent drop in student numbers. September saw the government try to deport thousands of overseas students from London […]

Workers Power  ·  20 January 2013

Where next for the student movement?

On November 21 the National Union of Students (NUS) will march in London under the slogan ‘Educate, Employ, Empower’. The protest is supported by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), Education Activists Network (EAN) and the UCU. Activists across the country are organising for the biggest possible turnout, but participation seems uneven and […]

Workers Power  ·  15 November 2012

Exam reforms are a con

‘Time to tackle the dumbing down’ is the new slogan of the Tory education ‘reforms’ which aim to make school serve the needs of the market, not the students. At their heart these counter-reforms aim to segregate students by class, limiting working class students to basic literacy and numeracy skills or, at best, technical, vocational […]

Workers Power  ·  15 October 2012

Work without pay – no way!

By Sally Turner Eighty youth from Bristol, Bath and Plymouth were forced to sleep out under London Bridge, do unpaid work and had no access to toilets for over 24 hours during the Queen’s Jubilee in London. Thirty jobseekers and 50 on apprenticeships “worked” for Close Protection UK (CPUK) under the Coalition government’s workfare system. […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

Student strikes rock Quebec and Chile

Students in Québec, Canada have been on strike for three months against the government’s attempts to raise university tuition fees, while Chilean students are protesting for reforms in the public education system, writes KD Tait   THE GENERAL unlimited strike, organised by a coalition of student federations, started on February 13 and has drawn in […]

Workers Power  ·  12 May 2012

New report in ‘cuts cause poverty’ shock

Have you noticed that the Con-Dems’ have stopped insisting ‘we’re all this together’? A new report showing child poverty rates spiralling as cuts hit the poorest families hardest might help explain why. The report, published by the Campaign to End Child Poverty tells a tale of two cities in Leeds. Child poverty rates in the […]

Workers Power  ·  14 January 2012

Education not for sale

Public education is under attack. Greedy corporations are hell bent on getting their hands on schools, colleges and universities – desperate to make a profit out of education and knowledge. This is having a terrible affect on young people, adult learners and education workers – as the market drives up costs, drives down standards and […]

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

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