Resolution on the revolutions and counter-revolutions in the Arab Spring.
Our action programme for Britain, published in 2014, analysing the defeat of the resistance to the coalition government
The methodology of ‘intersectionality’ is currently gaining increased support on the left in the UK. Joy Macready argues why it shouldn’t be used as the basis for a socialist approach to liberation ‘Intersectionality’, or the study of how multiple systems of oppression or discrimination interact, is gaining prominence amongst the left in the UK. For […]
Draft action programme proposed for Left Unity's founding conference.
Perspectives, strategy and tasks in the class struggle.
By Richard Brenner IT’S ONE week since the first national meeting of Left Unity, and after reading some of the more hostile reports and comments I wonder if I was at the same meeting. A shambles, one report called it. What? 100 delegates assembled from more than 80 local branches, more than half of them elected […]
The general principles of Leninism-Trotskyism in the 21st century.
From We have grave concerns about the recent Ncafc conference – both how it was organised and the outcome of the conference, which imposed a new set of structures that undermine the unity and inclusivity of the national organisation.
Statement by REVOLUTION Many student activists will be wondering why we did not stand for, or vote, in the elections for a steering committee at the recent “reinvigoration” meeting of the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts on 5 June. There’s no doubt been much frustration in the movement after parliament voted for tuition fees, […]
By Simon Hardy Many people think that the police in Britain are somehow neutral in political matters. But recent events have exposed the real nature of the police force. This article examines the role of the police and the state in our society The role of the police Lord Imbert, ex-chief of the Metropolitan Police, […]
Luke Cooper discusses the growing phenomenon of autonomism in the anti-cuts and student movement
An action programme to fight the capitalist crisis
The systemic causes of the climate crisis and the role of the working class in solving it.
Introduction to a collection of League theses and resolutions.
The methods and principles of communist work in the trade unions.
Resolution on the methods and principles of communist organisation, from ideological current to mass party
The revolutionary tradition of communist youth organisation and its applicability today.
The bosses argue Lenin lead to Stalin. This article shows how Lenin opposed Stalin and the rise of the Soviet bureaucracy.
How the Bolsheviks were able to lead the world's first successful workers' revolution.
A look at the Russian Revolution of 1905, the 'dress rehearsal' for 1917.
The 'three concepts of the Russian revolution' that grew up prior to the outbreak of the mass struggle in 1905.
Imperialism is a specific stage of capitalism, represented by the division of the world's markets into giant monopolies dominated by financial capital.
The Marxist programme on the national question.
An outline of the struggle against economism and the beginnings of Leninism.
The communist policy on war.
The nuclear family is not as normal as its defenders would have us believe.
'Socialism is a good idea, but...' is an argument we have all faced. This article outlines how the transition is grounded in the everyday conditions of capitalism.
The materialist and scientific foundations of Marxism.
Why Marxist political economy explains things better than the capitalists' economic models.
The three strands of thinking that make up scientific socialism.