A pamphlet looking at how the the most militant class struggle in British postwar history was fought, and the lessons working class militants should draw.
A pamphlet on the great strike wave, analysing the strategy of the trade union leaders and proposing a programme of action to tranform the unions.
Our pamphlet analysing the causes of the cost of living crisis in Britain and putting forward a programme of action to defend living standards and make the capitalists pay.
A programme of action published in the early weeks of the pandemic.
An analysis of the crisis of the European Union and an action programme to guide the struggle for a Socialist United States of Europe.
Our action programme for Britain, published in 2014, analysing the defeat of the resistance to the coalition government
Draft action programme proposed for Left Unity's founding conference.
Download the PDF version here.
Download the PDF version here.
A comprehensive critique of the politics of the SWP and IS tradition, covering State Capitalism, Third Campism, the party question, Economism, women, the trade unions, the general strike and Ireland.
A pamphlet about the first Gulf War, 1991.
A Marxist analysis of the origins and forms of women's oppression and the communist programme for liberation.
A pamphlet for students published in 1987.
An action programme for health, produced by Workers Power's health worker fraction Red Pulse.
Download the PDF version here.
Theses agreed on the Solidarnosc movement and political crisis in Poland by the early member of the Movement for a Revolutionary Communist International.
Download the PDF version here.
Download the PDF version here.
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Download the PDF version here.
Download the PDF version here.