
Why we need a revolutionary party

Revolutionary leadership is needed to break the hold of the reformists and win the working class to communism.

Workers Power  ·  01 October 1998

Which road: reform or revolution?

Can capitalism be reformed through parliament?

Workers Power  ·  01 September 1998

The origins of scientific socialism

How Marx and Engels transformed socialist ideas into a scientific critique of capitalism.

Workers Power  ·  01 July 1998

Socialism and Black Liberation

Racism – what it is and how to fight it! Published in 1995 by Workers Power, it examines the history of racial oppression and the use of racism as a weapon to divide the working class. Sorry this pamphlet is no longer in print Available to read online here Available to download here

Workers Power  ·  22 March 1995

'Tyrants, believe and tremble' – the Chartist movement in Britain

The example of Chartism proves there is a revolutionary tradition in the British working class writes Stuart King ‘The era of Chartism is immortal in that over the course of a decade it gives us in condensed and diagrammatic form the whole gamut of proletarian struggle – from petitions in parliament to armed insurrection. All […]

Workers Power  ·  24 March 1992

Perspectives: TUC tries to sabotage unemployment struggle

As unemployment approaches 1.5 million, we need a programme to force trade union leaders to fight -- or act without them.

Workers Power  ·  29 November 1975

The crisis, the Left, and our perspectives

Our first perspectives document, setting out the fundamental political basis of our tendency: orientation to the working class, internationalism, the united front and application of a revolutionary programme.

Workers Power  ·  29 November 1975

Socialists, abortion, and NAC

Where is the National Abortion Campaign going?

Workers Power  ·  29 November 1975

Ireland – High time the British left took sides

The war in the Six Counties is a war between British imperialism and the Irish people. But this fact is still not clear to many on the British left.

Workers Power  ·  29 November 1975

£6 is not our limit—it must be smashed

The Labour government's Incomes Policy is designed to lower workers' living standards, and protect the bosses' profits

Workers Power  ·  29 November 1975

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