
To #KeepCorbyn our response must be swift and ruthless

A handful of disloyal members are using their privileges as MPs to launch a coup against Jeremy Corbyn. This coup demonstrates the plotters’ contempt for democracy and for the wishes of the 250,000 people who elected Jeremy as leader nine months ago. Deputy leader Tom Watson barely waited to get the Glastonbury mud off his […]

Workers Power  ·  27 June 2016

Motion: Defend Corbyn’s leadership from right-wing coup

A motion opposing the PLP's coup against Jeremy Corbyn

Workers Power  ·  26 June 2016

Free Tony Taylor – end internment!

London Supporters of Tony Taylor are holding a picket of Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers’ surgery on Saturday 2 July between 11am and noon. The constituency office is 163 High Street, Barnet EN5 5SU. We are demanding the release of Tony Taylor, a Republican activist from Derry. Tony was arrested on 10 March […]

Workers Power  ·  23 June 2016

Reconsider Lexit

The death of Jo Cox shows it’s time for Lexit supporters to reconsider the implications of supporting a vote that will intensify the trend of racist rhetoric and violence The so-called “Left Leave” or “Lexit” campaign claims that the mainstream Leave and Remain campaigns are equally racist and equally responsible for fomenting anti-migrant racism. This […]

Workers Power  ·  21 June 2016

Jo Cox murder: neo-Nazi terrorists must be crushed

The mass anti migrant movement summoned by Vote Leave received its most shocking expression in the neo-Nazi killing of Jo Cox MP. The mass wave of sympathy for Jo and her family needs to generate a militant anti-racist and anti-fascist response Jo Cox, Labour MP for Batley and Spen has been assassinated by a neo-Nazi […]

Workers Power  ·  18 June 2016

Labour supporters in PCS have one year to convince members of the need to affiliate

By Rebecca Anderson The Annual Delegate Conference (ADC) of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) took two important votes on the Labour Party this week. In one, it decided to review its political strategy and consider the possibility of affiliation to the Labour Party with further decisions to be taken next year. In the […]

Workers Power  ·  28 May 2016

McDonnell’s “New Economics” – looking forward or avoiding reality?

By Simon Hardy Over the last few months the new Labour leadership has been conducting a series of meetings, rallies and workshops to discuss the idea of the “New Economics”. The need for such an initiative is clear; the post-Blair party is struggling to re-establish a clear identity, and the new leadership are fighting to […]

Workers Power  ·  26 May 2016

PCS backs down on industrial action as 150 staff face compulsory redundancies

By Rebecca Anderson For years, it has been the policy of the Public and Commercial Services Union that the threat compulsory redundancies will trigger a national-wide, civil-service wide ballot for industrial action. Today the union’s leadership, dominated by the Socialist Party, asked the Annual Delegate Conference to vote against a motion reaffirming this policy and […]

Workers Power  ·  26 May 2016

DWP sell-out deal – we need to take the fight to the branches

By Rebecca Anderson The Public and Commercial Services union’s Department of Work and Pensions conference has narrowly voted to accept a pay deal that will mean working worse hours for a pay rise of only one per cent for most members. Sixty per cent of members will receive the smaller pay rise and others will […]

Workers Power  ·  26 May 2016

Tory ‘Footprints’ put the boot into health

NHS Footprints plan is latest step to privatisation By Dave Stockton The crisis of NHS funding is reaching a turning point. According to John Lister “In many areas the threat of cuts and closures could soon be a reality.” He points out that after conducting a survey of 155 acute trust finance reports this shows that […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Antisemitism past and present

The recent furore in Labour has renewed debate about the nature of one of the oldest forms of racism By Jeremy Dewar & Dave Stockton Religious bigotry is practically as old as religion itself. And Christian religious bigotry against Jews, unparalleled in the Muslim world of the same period, was a feature of the so-called […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Hillsborough exposes Establishment’s fear and loathing of the working class

The 27 year campaign for truth and justice is a lesson in the value of courage and solidarity By Dave Stockton Hillsborough – which saw the death of 95 Liverpool fans on 15 April 1989 – remains one of the worst sporting tragedies. Given that that it took 27 years for the South Yorkshire Police […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Eight months hard Labour: a new recruit writes

A party member in the Progress council bastion of Lambeth argues that victory is possible – and worth fighting for By Joe Clegg Summer 2015 was a time of great political excitement for me. Born under Maggie the Milk Snatcher, grown up under Tony the Warmonger, for the first time in my life, there was […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Fight for a Socialist United States of Europe

The “Referendum campaign” has been dominated by the public rows between the two wings of the Tory Party. But there are also those on the left advocating exit. This article makes the case for socialist internationalism By Dave Stockton The divisions amongst the Tories are rooted in the different interests of different sections of British capital, […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

‘Joint enterprise’ is a court full of lies

Joint Enterprise: Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) held a demonstration outside Downing St on 16 May to demand the freedom of prisoners incarcerated by the law on joint enterprise. The grassroots campaign is currently supporting over 600 men, women and youth (the youngest of which is just 13) that have been locked up for crimes […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Labour has to go back to basics in Scotland

By Sandy McBurney New Labour’s formula has delivered the greatest electoral defeat in Scottish Labour’s history. It’s time for change Scottish Labour suffered a historic defeat in the Holyrood elections, securing just 20 per cent of the vote and 24 seats. The biggest shock of the night came when they were pushed into third place […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

DWP pay deal sells union short

By Sarah Barden A new pay deal has been agreed between Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) and the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), but it is unclear whether the union’s conference and membership will accept the deal. The offer sees new starters getting a 5% pay rise over the next five years but […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Teachers should vote to strike

By an NUT member Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has made a U-turn in her forced academisation programme. This is good as far as it goes but she insists that the Tories’ intention remains to eventually convert all schools into academies. Moreover she is determined to move academies away from national terms and conditions, abolish national […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Testing to destruction

“What’s the difference between a subordinating conjunctive and a preposition?” Tory education ministers don’t know so why should 11 year olds? By Bernie McAdam The latest leak of a primary school test online is trying the patience of the Department of Education and causing huge embarrassment. The DoE has linked this to a campaign of sabotage […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Momentum youth and students to meet in Manchester

By KD Tait On 5 June, Momentum Youth and Students will hold its founding conference in Manchester. The conference is open to all members of Momentum under 30, or in education. This is the first national meeting of a section of Momentum and is a chance to ensure that young Labour members take advantage of […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Lambeth resistance grows 

By Simon Hardy The movement emerging in Lambeth could act as a model for everyone fighting council cuts across the country Strikes, occupations, thousands of people marching against cuts – Lambeth is currently the site of some very energetic resistance to austerity Britain. Housing, libraries, local jobs, government accountability, anti-gentrification and now the new multi […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Momentum NC puts foot on brake

By Rebecca Anderson  The interim leadership of the campaign formed to support Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party has decided to delay holding its founding conference until February 2017. Although there are plans to hold regional policy conferences, the delay means that there is no way for tens of thousands of Corbyn’s supporters to organise […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

Vote to Remain on 23 June

Fight austerity alongside European workers For a socialist united states of Europe Editorial If you want to fight back against austerity, then vote to remain in the EU and help link up with mass movements in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece that have fought back against the bankers and the billionaires. At a time […]

Workers Power  ·  25 May 2016

The Labour defeat that never was

By Dave Stockton The press reported David Cameron as jubilant – can he do anything else beyond jubilating? On the morning after the 5 May elections, it became clear that their results were a disappointment to a wide spectrum of politicians, journalists and assorted “think tanks”; indeed to all of those who had already written […]

Workers Power  ·  12 May 2016

Justice for the Craigavon Two!

On March 30, 2012, Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, were both convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison for the fatal shooting of constable Steven Carroll in Craigavon on 9 March 2010. The case is widely regarded as a blatant miscarriage of justice with ‘evidence’ used inconclusive, contradictory and in […]

Workers Power  ·  05 May 2016

“Labour antisemitism crisis”: stop the right wing sabotage

Statement Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism This campaign is actually directed against Corbyn and the party’s new left majority Fight all forms of racism Counter-offensive against the right starts now A cynical campaign is in full swing to destabilise the Labour leadership on the verge of the London Mayoral, local and regional elections, and in particular […]

Workers Power  ·  29 April 2016

Junior doctors are right to defy the government 

By KD Tait Wednesday’s strike saw 20,000 junior doctors leave the frontline of the NHS and join the picket lines of the BMA in a campaign to stop the government imposing unsafe new contracts. The action will pile on the pressure after four out of five junior doctors joined Tuesday’s first all-out strike in NHS history. […]

Workers Power  ·  27 April 2016

BHS goes bust: make Philip Green pay

By Dave Stockton High street staple BHS has gone bust with debts of £1.3 billion, a £571 million pensions black hole and nothing to show for its 88 year history other than a tidy profit for retail billionaire Sir Philip Green. With 164 stores slated for closure, 11,000 jobs are at risk and 20,000 people […]

Workers Power  ·  27 April 2016

Save Lambeth Libraries protest is a reality check for Labour councils

By KD Tait The campaign to defend Lambeth’s 10 public libraries from the Labour council’s closure and outsourcing plans saw more than 2,000 people march through Brixton in one of the biggest local demonstrations in years. Residents, librarians and Friends of Lambeth libraries assembled at the Carnegie library to congratulate the occupiers who walked out […]

Workers Power  ·  17 April 2016

The Socialist Workers Party and the EU referendum

By Dave Stockton The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) recently launched its campaign for Brexit with a long article by Alex Callinicos, The internationalist case against the European Union, and a pamphlet by Joseph Choonara, The EU: a left case for exit. If you want to know all the facts to prove that the EU is […]

Workers Power  ·  17 April 2016

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