Far right and fascism

Fascist EDL must be stopped

The EDL presence in Tower Hamlet on 3 September needs to confronted with a mass community mobilisation, writes Dan Edmonds

Workers Power  ·  31 August 2011

They shall not pass! All out to stop the EDL in Tower Hamlets, 3 September

The fascist English Defence League (EDL) is marching through Tower Hamlets on 3 September. Richard Brenner argues that we need to remember the lessons of Cable Street, when anti-fascists drove the far right off the streets of East London, and challenge the anti-Muslim lies they are feeding off. From all over Britain, enemies of racism […]

Workers Power  ·  03 August 2011

Daily Star backs fascist EDL

The Daily Star recently upped its campaign of bigotry and race-hate by giving support to the fascist English Defence League (EDL), writes Dan Edwards.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

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