
Editorial: N30 shows that the fight is on

THE MASS strike on N30 has the potential to change the political situation in Britain. It shows that if you want mass numbers then the unions are essential to filling the streets of every city and town with people who want to fight the government’s cuts. The real sense of unity and collective strength in the face […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

German capitalists push for fiscal powers as second credit crunch looms

None of the problems from 2008 have gone away; in fact many have become worse, argues Richard Brenner. What are the European leaders planning next?

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Now we can stop the pensions robbery

Two million strong strike shows unions have power to bring down the government – but, argues Jeremy Dewar, only if they escalate the action, broaden their aims and base themselves on action committees

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Motormouth's sinister joke

ON THE evening of the public sector strike Jeremy Clarkson, presenter from BBCs Top Gear programme said he wanted to see all strikers shot in front of their families. The BBC received over 21,000 complaints from members of the public, no doubt many of whom had been on strike and were paying Clarkson’s wages through the […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

No to sanctions – hands off Iran!

The growing chorus from world leaders demanding action against Iran threatens another war in the Middle East. Martin Suchanek examines what is behind the latest international manoeuvers and states the case against sanctions

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

The growing social crisis in Britain

The government’s policies are making things much worse, writes John Bowman, particularly for the most vulnerable

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Is European social democracy in irreversible decline?

After the defeat of the Spanish Social Democrats – almost every country in western Europe is now ruled by a conservative government, writes Dave Stockton. In a time of capitalist crisis, why are the mainstream ‘centre left’ parties doing so badly?

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Sparks: We must not let judges stop our actions

We can’t let the courts or the bureaucrats stop our actions, argues Jeremy Dewar

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Capitalism against democracy

Not since 1989 has the demand for democracy been so loud across the world. But everywhere police and governments are trying to repress our movements. The big question is, are capitalism and democracy compatible? By Nat Silverstein, Joana Ramiro and Simon Hardy

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Radicalising the US workers’ movement

Extract from Workers Power US conference document Beginning in late September with only a few dozen activists in New York City (NYC), the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement changed the mood dramatically. Tens of thousands demonstrated, marched, protested, and occupied public and private spaces against the bank bailouts, joblessness and worsening poverty for millions […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Syria – the dangers posed by foreign intervention

The future of Syria is being fought out town by town as the resistance grows against Assad’s regime. Marcus Halaby looks at how imperialist governments are doing all they can to conservatise and control the Syrian revolution.

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Egypt: The threat of counter-revolution grows as Islamists make gains

The magnificent Egyptian revolution is in danger of defeat, warns Dave Stockton

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Disability welfare cuts – the hardest hit are fighting back

Joy Macready reports on the cuts to disability welfare and the growing resistance “THE PAST 12 months have seen a string of cuts that have hit disabled people the hardest, from benefits changes to local authorities slashing social care budgets and axing concessionary bus passes.” This comment by Jaspal Dhani, CEO of the UK Disabled People’s […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

EDL join forces with BNP splitters

The British Freedom Party and the English Defence League has announced a merger reports Dan Edwards THE FASCIST English Defence League (EDL) has joined forces with the British Freedom Party (BFP), a party headed by ex-UKIP member Paul Weston and mainly comprised of former BNP members who have jumped from Nick Griffin’s sinking ship. This is […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Undead capitalism

Zombies are big business, with more games and films coming out every year cashing in on the idea of the walking dead. Will Walsh looks at why our society is so zombified

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

What Christmas means for capitalism

It is that time of the year again, writes Simon Hardy. But what is the real meaning of Christmas under a capitalist system?   Every year Christmas seems to start earlier. No sooner are the Halloween costumes taken down from the displays than the fake plastic trees, chocolate calendars and snow-in-a-can decorations come out. Whilst […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

N30 Birmingham: 15,000 join mass city-wide protest

Around 15,000 marched in Birmingham yesterday. Huge contingents of teachers, civil servants, careworkers, nurses and local government workers from across the West Midlands defied Birmingham City Council’s plan to stop the march from taking place. The Tory/Lib Dem coalition tried to impose charges of up to £10,000 on the TUC. The organisers refused to pay […]

Workers Power  ·  01 December 2011

N30 Leeds: over 10,000 take to the streets against Tories

November 30 in Leeds saw a solid strike, with the city covered in picketlines, and a massive demonstration and rally of 10,000 or more, the biggest trade union demo in decades in the city. Workers Power members staffed their picketlines or, for those not on strike, organised solidarity visits, while REvolution youth toured picketlines with […]

Workers Power  ·  01 December 2011

Manchester: a whole city behind the strikes

It seemed that everywhere you turned in Manchester city centre there was a picket line somewhere – and the strikes were strong too. Even very large workplaces recorded few staff or service users crossing the picket lines. But it was no ghost town! Every other person walking down every other street seemed to be holding […]

Workers Power  ·  30 November 2011

After 30 November – escalate the action to win!

Workers Power leaflet for the picket lines and protests on N30 • No concessions on pensions • Link up all the struggle against all the cuts • With the officials where possible, without them where necessary • Forward to a general strike to bring down the Tories

Workers Power  ·  29 November 2011

N30 – All out tomorrow!

Biggest strike since 1926 • Government on the defensive • Serious public support for strikes

Workers Power  ·  29 November 2011

N30 We are the 99% – Protest, Strike, Occupy!

• All out on 30 November • Joint strike committees in every town • Workers and students unite – forward to a general strike

Workers Power  ·  22 November 2011

Motion to Unite Resistance Convention

This is the motion which was submitted to the Unite the Resistance conference, but not taken,  on 19 November 2011

Workers Power  ·  21 November 2011

Unite the Resistance: a missed opportunity

Up to 1000 trade unionists gathered in London on Saturday to discuss the public sector pensions strike on 30 November. But despite hearing some inspiring speeches and gaining a sense of the momentum mounting in workplaces across the country, workers left without a plan to turn the day of action into a movement for a […]

Workers Power  ·  20 November 2011

Editorial: Anticapitalism hits the streets

November is a crucial month in the fightback against the cuts. Demonstrations and protests by students and electricians will hit the headlines; there will be a large conference, Unite the Resistance, with hundreds of rank and file trade unionists; and everything will be building up for mass strikes on 30 November. And let’s not forget […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

The rich get richer…

DIRECTORS OF the FTSE 100 – the top 100 British companies – saw their incomes rise by an average of 49 per cent last year, while for the rest of us the average pay rise was less than 2 per cent. Someone’s doing well out of the recession – but it’s not you! The directors have […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

… and the poor get poorer

CHANCELLOR GEORGE Osborne famously claimed that, “We’re all in this together.” But when it comes to wealth and living standards, this simply is not true. Price rises are outstripping wages and benefits week by week, month by month. The official index for inflation (CPI) rose to 5.2 per cent a year last month. But even […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

… and angrier!

THE UN’S INTERNATIONAL Labour Organisation has produced a report stating that “social upheavals” are on the cards due to growing cuts, unemployment and inequality. Meanwhile Andreas Whittam Smith, writing in The Independent, has declared that countries like Britain are now “ripe for revolution”. The ILO cited a study showing that in 45 out of 119 countries […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

Democracy, cuts and the anti union laws

The government, backed up by howls of anger by those on the right, are threatening to strengthen the anti union laws, warns Jeremy Dewar TORY GRANDEE Francis Maude claims Unison’s 78% YES vote “shows there is extremely limited support for the kind of strike action their union leaders want,” basing his argument on the 29% […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

Public sector pensions – trade dispute or class war?

Is the struggle over pensions limited to an economic issue, or is it a political fight, asks Jeremy Dewar

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

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