The Easter Rising, Ireland 1916

By Chris Clough Dublin, Easter weekend 2016, saw tens of thousands of people line the streets. Flags, banners and photos of martyrs were displayed on every street corner, shop and building. Socialists and Republicans marched through the city while the government held a military parade, complete with a fly over. Graffiti and stickers called for […]

25 May 2016

Northern Ireland: People before Profit enters Stormont

In the north of Ireland the picture appears similar to past elections. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Sinn Fein remain the largest parties and will continue to lead the Executive in pursuing the austerity dictated from Westminster. However the DUP vote was down 0.8 per cent and Sinn Fein was down 2.9 per cent. […]

25 May 2016

‘Joint enterprise’ is a court full of lies

Joint Enterprise: Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) held a demonstration outside Downing St on 16 May to demand the freedom of prisoners incarcerated by the law on joint enterprise. The grassroots campaign is currently supporting over 600 men, women and youth (the youngest of which is just 13) that have been locked up for crimes […]

25 May 2016

Labour has to go back to basics in Scotland

By Sandy McBurney New Labour’s formula has delivered the greatest electoral defeat in Scottish Labour’s history. It’s time for change Scottish Labour suffered a historic defeat in the Holyrood elections, securing just 20 per cent of the vote and 24 seats. The biggest shock of the night came when they were pushed into third place […]

25 May 2016

DWP pay deal sells union short

By Sarah Barden A new pay deal has been agreed between Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) and the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), but it is unclear whether the union’s conference and membership will accept the deal. The offer sees new starters getting a 5% pay rise over the next five years but […]

25 May 2016

Teachers should vote to strike

By an NUT member Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has made a U-turn in her forced academisation programme. This is good as far as it goes but she insists that the Tories’ intention remains to eventually convert all schools into academies. Moreover she is determined to move academies away from national terms and conditions, abolish national […]

25 May 2016

Testing to destruction

“What’s the difference between a subordinating conjunctive and a preposition?” Tory education ministers don’t know so why should 11 year olds? By Bernie McAdam The latest leak of a primary school test online is trying the patience of the Department of Education and causing huge embarrassment. The DoE has linked this to a campaign of sabotage […]

25 May 2016

Momentum youth and students to meet in Manchester

By KD Tait On 5 June, Momentum Youth and Students will hold its founding conference in Manchester. The conference is open to all members of Momentum under 30, or in education. This is the first national meeting of a section of Momentum and is a chance to ensure that young Labour members take advantage of […]

25 May 2016

Lambeth resistance grows 

By Simon Hardy The movement emerging in Lambeth could act as a model for everyone fighting council cuts across the country Strikes, occupations, thousands of people marching against cuts – Lambeth is currently the site of some very energetic resistance to austerity Britain. Housing, libraries, local jobs, government accountability, anti-gentrification and now the new multi […]

25 May 2016

Momentum NC puts foot on brake

By Rebecca Anderson  The interim leadership of the campaign formed to support Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party has decided to delay holding its founding conference until February 2017. Although there are plans to hold regional policy conferences, the delay means that there is no way for tens of thousands of Corbyn’s supporters to organise […]

25 May 2016

Red Flag No. 5 Editorial

By KD Tait In the last six weeks the Tories have made more U-turns than in the last six months. The infighting over the European referendum has bitterly divided our rulers. Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party means David Cameron can no longer count on Labour MPs supporting his austerity programme. The watered-down Queen’s […]

25 May 2016

Vote to Remain on 23 June

Fight austerity alongside European workers For a socialist united states of Europe Editorial If you want to fight back against austerity, then vote to remain in the EU and help link up with mass movements in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece that have fought back against the bankers and the billionaires. At a time […]

25 May 2016

What is Zionism? Question & Answer

By Marcus Halaby On the 68th anniversary of the original Partition of Palestine, and in the wake of the Labour right’s smears about antisemitism on the left, we answer a few common questions about the debate on Zionism, antisemitism and Israel-Palestine What is Zionism? Isn’t it just a code word for Jews? Why do some […]

15 May 2016

France: All-out general strike now can halt anti-labour “reforms”

By KD Tait President François Hollande’s Socialist Party (PS) government has used emergency powers to force through Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri’s labour reform bill. This major plank of the PS government’s austerity offensive had provoked weeks of mass demonstrations, general strikes and the “Nuit Debout” (“rise up at night”) movement. Prime Minister Manuel […]

15 May 2016

The Labour defeat that never was

By Dave Stockton The press reported David Cameron as jubilant – can he do anything else beyond jubilating? On the morning after the 5 May elections, it became clear that their results were a disappointment to a wide spectrum of politicians, journalists and assorted “think tanks”; indeed to all of those who had already written […]

12 May 2016

Justice for the Craigavon Two!

On March 30, 2012, Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, were both convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison for the fatal shooting of constable Steven Carroll in Craigavon on 9 March 2010. The case is widely regarded as a blatant miscarriage of justice with ‘evidence’ used inconclusive, contradictory and in […]

05 May 2016

“Labour antisemitism crisis”: stop the right wing sabotage

Statement Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism This campaign is actually directed against Corbyn and the party’s new left majority Fight all forms of racism Counter-offensive against the right starts now A cynical campaign is in full swing to destabilise the Labour leadership on the verge of the London Mayoral, local and regional elections, and in particular […]

29 April 2016

Junior doctors are right to defy the government 

By KD Tait Wednesday’s strike saw 20,000 junior doctors leave the frontline of the NHS and join the picket lines of the BMA in a campaign to stop the government imposing unsafe new contracts. The action will pile on the pressure after four out of five junior doctors joined Tuesday’s first all-out strike in NHS history. […]

27 April 2016

BHS goes bust: make Philip Green pay

By Dave Stockton High street staple BHS has gone bust with debts of £1.3 billion, a £571 million pensions black hole and nothing to show for its 88 year history other than a tidy profit for retail billionaire Sir Philip Green. With 164 stores slated for closure, 11,000 jobs are at risk and 20,000 people […]

27 April 2016

Let all the refugees in

By Jeremy Dewar David Cameron claims, “This migration crisis is the greatest challenge facing Europe today. […] Where we can help, we should.” How to “help”? By sending warships to aid NATO, not to rescue refugees, but to “stop the desperate flow of people crammed into makeshift vessels from embarking on a fruitless and perilous […]

17 April 2016

Film Review: High-Rise

By Jeremy Dewar A 1975 apartment block plays host to Ben Wheatley’s adaptation of the eponymous JG Ballard novel, which portrays what antihero psychologist Robert Laing terms “a future that has already happened”. The film descends into an orgy of sex and violence, the context for an allegorical critique of class society. As you might […]

17 April 2016

Save Lambeth Libraries protest is a reality check for Labour councils

By KD Tait The campaign to defend Lambeth’s 10 public libraries from the Labour council’s closure and outsourcing plans saw more than 2,000 people march through Brixton in one of the biggest local demonstrations in years. Residents, librarians and Friends of Lambeth libraries assembled at the Carnegie library to congratulate the occupiers who walked out […]

17 April 2016

The Socialist Workers Party and the EU referendum

By Dave Stockton The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) recently launched its campaign for Brexit with a long article by Alex Callinicos, The internationalist case against the European Union, and a pamphlet by Joseph Choonara, The EU: a left case for exit. If you want to know all the facts to prove that the EU is […]

17 April 2016

Long live May Day

By Rebecca Anderson The year 1890 saw the first ever May Day demonstration, called by the First Congress of the Second International, with more than 300,000 workers filling London’s Hyde Park. Karl Marx’s daughter Eleanor, herself a prominent figure in the New Unionism movement which was then at its peak, addressed the crowds: “I am […]

17 April 2016

A spirit of socialist internationalism is more urgent than ever

Declaration of the Tenth Congress of the League for the Fifth International Since 2008, global capitalism has entered a new period of historic crisis, characterised by weak recovery, stagnation and renewed recession. As well as economic, this has had political, environmental and ideological consequences, against which both the political and trade union organisations of the […]

17 April 2016

US elections: cracks widening in the two party system

By Andy Yorke In this year’s US presidential race, a month is a long time. March saw the tensions in American politics stretched close to breaking point. The billionaire demagogue Donald Trump widened his lead, forced out the Republican establishment’s favourite, Marco Rubio, whipped up support with his racist, jingoistic campaign to “Make America Great […]

17 April 2016

History: Labour recruits for carnage in WW1

The second instalment in our serialisation of a socialist history of the Labour Party. Read the first instalment: Labour’s early years: 1900-1914 By Dave Stockton The years of the First World War of 1914-18 were critical ones for the British labour movement. Its political party, its trade unions and the role they play in British life […]

17 April 2016

A socialist plan for steel

By Jeremy Dewar Labour should demand the permanent nationalisation of Tata’s UK operation. Steelworkers have paid for these works many times over with their labour, so no compensation is necessary. John McDonnell is right: Labour’s previous nationalisation model is flawed. Instead of a capitalist management dictating to and exploiting the workforce, we propose workers’ control […]

17 April 2016

Nationalise steel as part of an industrial plan

By Jeremy Dewar At a board meeting in Mumbai, India, Tata executives voted through a plan to sell off all its UK plants or, failing that, to shut them down. Some 15,000 workers and their families face the prospect of devastating job losses, with another 25,000 workers in the supply chain at severe risk. The […]

17 April 2016

Panama paper trail leads to Cameron’s door and beyond

By Dave Stockton Villains stashing their ill gotten gains on Caribbean treasure islands is not new “April is the cruellest month,” goes the poem. Well it certainly started cruelly for David Cameron. The publication of 11.5 million records (the “Panama Papers”) of Mossack Fonseca, an offshore law firm involved in arranging tax havens for wealthy […]

17 April 2016

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